Monday, January 23, 2017

Book Blitz & Giveaway For UNCOVERING OFFICER SMITH by Sheena Hutchinson

Uncovering Officer Smith

by Sheena Hutchinson
The Discovering Trilogy
Publication Date: May 16, 2016
Genres: Contemporary, Romance

Read for FREE in Kindle Unlimited: Amazon

John Smith has been hurt before by a mysterious blonde that tumbles out of his cop car. Since she stomped on his heart, he’s made sure he’ll never feel that way again. He has developed two rules: Never more than one night and never a blonde.
The nerdy and conservative Becca Swanson has a plan for her life: college, law school, and rule the world. Nothing and no one will get in her way. That is, until she wakes up in a stranger’s bedroom with no recollection of the night before.
This one tumultuous night caused these two to cross paths. Becca is everything John told himself he didn’t need. Smart, sexy, and — blonde. When she becomes the victim of one of his cases he finally can’t deny the connection anymore. Worst of all, he’s beginning to fall harder than ever before.
It throws his rules and her plans out the window. Could it have been fate? Or will it become the biggest mistake either of them has ever made?


About Sheena Hutchinson

Much like Martin Luther King it all started with a dream. The rest one can say is history. If you have read Seraphina: The Awakening I feel like you already know me inside and out. I’ve worked on the Seraphina books for over a year before I decided to publish them for the world to see. Written from my own dreams and imagination with portions taken directly from my very own journal at times. The first book is literally derived from my own thoughts and tears. When I’m not working, you can find me at my local coffeehouse writing my next saga.

Stay tuned I’ve got plenty of stories left. I have a wild imagination and a way with words. Which makes for a very lethal combination!

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