Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Book Blast & Giveaway For SHADOW FALL by Audrey Grey

Hello readers!
Are you looking for your next read?
Well, let us help make things easier for you!

Welcome to the Book Blast for
Shadow Fall by Audrey Grey
presented by Blaze Publishing!
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!

Looking for more books to read?
Read on and find a book that’s waiting for you to devour!
Shadow Fall
(Shadow Fall #1)

by Audrey Grey
Publication Date: Nov 22, 2016

Publisher:  Blaze Publishing

The asteroid hurtling toward the earth will kill billions.
The Emperor and his Gold Court will be safe in their space station, watching from the stars. The Silvers will be protected underground. But the Bronzes must fight it out at the Shadow Trials for the few remaining spots left on the space station.
When an enigmatic benefactor hands Maia Graystone a spot in the Trials, she won’t just get a chance at salvation for her and her baby brother, Max: She gets to confront the mother who abandoned her in prison, the mad Emperor who murdered her father, and the Gold prince who once loved her. But it’s the dark bastard prince she’s partnered with that will make her question everything, including her own heart. With the asteroid racing closer every day, Maia must trust someone to survive.
The question is who?
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" a one of a kind gift to today's literature." - Ashley Marie Nestler

"An edge-of-your-seat, thrilling action-adventure reminiscent of "An Ember in the Ashes" and "Red Queen"" - Esther Dalseno

"reminded me of why I love YA Dystopian books" - Cassie James

audrey-greyAudrey Grey lives in the charming state of Oklahoma, with her husband, two little people, and four mischievous dogs. You can usually find her hiding out in her office from said little people and dogs, surrounded by books and sipping kombucha while dreaming up wondrous worlds for her characters to live in.

Asleep EBook (1)

Seventeen-year-old Rose suffers from terrifying, painful nightmares that leave her bruised, exhausted, and questioning her sanity. Desperate to hold on, she makes a choice: Trust her doctor who claims he can cure her, or listen to another patient who swears the asylum will kill them.
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Asleep by Krystal Wade
Publication Date: Feb 16, 2016
Publisher: Blaze Publishing
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Because I Love You

When Sixteen-year-old Andie Hamilton discovers she’s pregnant, she also learns the truth of her adoption. Overwhelmed, Andie must choose what’s best for the baby, but after hearing the heartbeat for the first time, she doesn’t know how she’ll ever be able let go.
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Because I Love You by Tori Rigby
Release Date: May 17, 2016
Publisher: Blaze Publishing
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Crescenzo never would’ve thought his father’s figurines were modeled after real people, but when his loved ones start vanishing from his life, he must unite their real life counterparts and seek their aid to save his family.
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The Carver by Jacob Devlin
Publication Date: July 19, 2016
Publisher: Blaze Publishing
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After a financial collapse devastates the United States, the new government imposes a tax on the nation’s most valuable resource—the children.
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