Monday, December 12, 2016

Release Blitz & Giveaway For DEATH'S ECHO (The Complex) by Rachel M. Raithby

Book Title: Death's Echo (The Complex)
Author: Rachel M. Raithby
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Release Date: Dec 9, 2016
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
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After a brutal war between Humans and Metas an uneasy truce is declared in the Seldova solar system. At the conclusion of the treaty signing, the Complex is created on the lone planet, Lorn. The Complex is a blended community of Humans and Metas, all sent to test the waters of a more peaceful existence between the two races. Living under a domed community can only mean one thing for the Humans and Metas. Chaos.
Aqulla Dayshon is a Banshee, she sees death. Feels the last moments of a victims life, senses the echo's they leave behind. They call for vengeance, and she is helpless to deny their cries, to deny her very nature.
Inside the Complex, the rules are very clear; kill and you're out. Aqulla expected to struggle ignoring death's call but she never anticipated desires call.
Jaylon Rowe is Intra - the law within the complex. When a series of murders hit the doomed community its his job to find the killer.

Rachel M. Raithby started her writing career in 2013 and hasn't looked back. She draws her inspiration from the many places she has lived and traveled, as well as from her love of the paranormal and thriller movies. She can often be found hiding out with a good book or writing more fast-paced and thrilling stories where love always conquers all. She now lives in rural England with her young family.
Her books include, the adult Paranormal Romance novels 'The Deadwood Hunter Series' and the Young Adult series The New Dawn Novels, including the YA Best seller 'Winter Wolf.'

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