Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Spotlight Tour & Giveaway For EYES OF AUTUMN by Cynthia Wise

Eyes of Autumn
The Marcel Experience #3
Cynthia Wise
Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: BookLogix
Date of Publication: Oct 17, 2016
ISBN: 978-1-61005-677-9
Number of pages: 432
Cover Artist: Aaron Davis

Recurring dreams have plagued Katie Hammond
since childhood, forcing her to keep an open mind
to the paranormal. But when Katie is compelled to follow
a forest path during her trip to the Blue Ridge
Mountains, she stumbles into a forgotten life – one she’s
not sure she wants to remember – and an enthralling
man who shouldn’t exist. At the end of the path is
Marcus Hillyerd, a man with a secret and golden eyes.
He comes face-to-face with the only woman he’s
ever loved. The only problem – she doesn’t remember
him. Then evil from Marcus’s past emerges and
attempts to destroy everything he holds sacred.
Needing reinforcement, Marcus calls upon
Marcel Enterprises, his network of paranormal
beings dedicated to helping victims of corruption.
Together, they must risk their lives to keep Katie safe
and protect the empire that took Marcus more
than a century to build.

Marcus stood on the back of the veranda in the night
shadows and listened. In the distance, he heard the
faint squawk of radios, voices, and the purr of engines.
He had time. Stepping into a sprint, he crossed the
garden and was through its door in a matter of seconds.
The forest beyond waited and his beast roared inside of
him, wanting out. It was exhilarating running
at top speed through the trees with night sounds
and the scents of animals teasing him. At the
edge of the forest, he stopped to observe and took a
deep breath. The smell of rotting blood assaulted
his nose. The cabin was shrouded in moonlit darkness.
Yellow crime scene ribbon was stretched
from post-to-post at the top of the porch steps and
across the door. With a swipe of his hand,
Marcus pulled them down and gave an experimental
twist of the knob. One sharp push splintered
the wood at the lock and the door swung open.
The smell of lingering death was like a wall, coating
Marcus’s nostrils and tongue, triggering his gag reflex.
As he looked around the room, the first thing to draw
his eye was a police outline of Angie’s body. His gaze
moved on to the trail of blood leading to the
loft ladder, and logic told him only one thing would
have led Angie in that direction.
With a two-step running leap, Marcus touched a toe to
the log wall and propelled himself up and over the
railing, landing nimbly with barely a sound. Taking
the suitcase with Katie’s scent. He cleared the railing
with ease and was soon in the bedroom she’d been
using. Within minutes, the closet and drawers
were emptied. Leaving the scent of death behind,
Marcus pulled the front door shut and broke
into a run a she
re-entered the forest.

Cynthia H. Wise first
conceived the idea for
The Marcel Experience years
ago. At that time, she wrote
stories for her own
enjoyment. Inspired at an
early age by the paranormal,
Cynthia enjoyed having
the ability to become someone else,
travel to distant places, and
experience new things as she wrote.
During the long process of editing her first book, Portrait of Rage, an idea began to take root. Having begun another manuscript years before that she had entitled Eyes of Autumn, Cynthia realized how simple it would be to integrate the two worlds. She envisioned continuing the story and carrying characters from book to book as she continued to introduce new people, new conflicts, and new stories. She realized the list of paranormal subjects was endless. It would be simple to let the story flow from one inexplicable, exciting possibility to another. And voilĂ —The Marcel Experience was born. Cynthia H. Wise lives with her husband in Marietta, Georgia, where her series, The Marcel Experience, is centered. When she is not writing novels about the supernatural and the fantastic, Cynthia can be found with her husband, Cliff, their two dogs, Jake and Sadie, and their cockatiel, Sam.
Tour giveaway
1 signed copy of Eyes of Autumn
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

This blog is now officially declared an Award Free zone! I do appreciate your kindness in thinking of me and I am humbled by your generosity. Your comments are award enough for me. Comment away!
Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.