Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Review: A HUNTER UNDER THE MISTLETOE by Addison Fox; Karen Whiddon- * * * *

Title: A Hunter Under the Mistletoe
Series: All Is Bright\Heat of a Helios
Author:  Addison Fox; Karen Whiddon
Genre: Holiday Romance
Rating: * * * * 
Publishers: Harlequin 
(Nov 8, 2016)
Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN: 978-0373009886
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

Passion is ablaze under the Las Vegas sun this holiday season 
All Is Bright by Addison Fox 
But all is certainly not calm. Not with his employee, Evangeline Kennedy, posing an impossible temptation for Rafael Stavros. Not when all signs suggest Evangeline could put the whole race of Helios—a very sexy race of supernatural phoenixes—in danger. But Rafe knows not to trust appearances in Vegas. Especially when his heart tells him otherwise! 
Heat of a Helios by Karen Whiddon 
This Christmas, all pop star Meghan Frost wants is Gabriel Stavros. But little does she know that the hunk who runs the Archangel casino is really a Helios. Or that he's her age-old enemy. Dare she believe in some holiday magic that could unite the unlikeliest of allies?

The first paranormal that I've read that was about phoenixes! I always love that first paranormal book about a new (to me) species. I love learning about this new world and the "rules" of this world. On that aspect I was sorely disappointed. Yes, these are novellas, so of necessity, brief. But seriously, there needed to be more world building for these new "supes". We basically learn about 4 or 5 things (which I'm not going to spoil by spilling), and one of those was tossed out in maybe the last 10 pages. If these authors don't do more books for what has the potential of being a world as fascinating and exciting as any vampire world I've read, I for one am going to be sooo PO! The storyline, takes place in Las Vegas which is second only to New Orleans (IMHO) as THE place for "supes" to live, so that they go undetected. So we'll see if they take this potential and run with it.
Now, the great things about these books- Smoking hot dudes and ladies with attitudes! My favorite combination of heros and heroines! Eve is a landscaping professional and Meghan is a pop star. Neither of these ladies take any crap from their billionaire casino owning lovers. The romance was quick, again a novella so though I'm not a fan of insta-love, it worked so well. 
This was a great little holiday romance and I hope these authors don't leave me crying in my beer and prowling the internet to see if they have additional full length stories coming out in "phoenix world" .
 I've signed up for both's newsletter so I can keep abreast of their new releases.

Addison Fox can’t remember a time when words weren’t a part of her life. An avid reader, her love of the written word started at the tender age of 1 with “The Owl and the Pussycat” by Edward Lear (a poem she could recite by heart to any family member who would listen). 
Dr. Seuss, C.S. Lewis, Judy Blume and a host of others quickly followed until she discovered THE CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR by Jean M. Auel while writing a paper at the library in the 7th grade. Although not a classic romance, Ayla and Jondalar’s love story moved her firmly to the romance section of the bookstore and she hasn’t looked back! 
Addison has worked with St. Martins, Harlequin, Penguin/NAL and Entangled and is currently hard at work on two series, one with Harlequin’s Romantic Suspense line and a contemporary trilogy for St. Martins. 
Addison lives in New York. She is an active member of Romance Writers of America and several local chapters including DARA and RWA NYC. You can find her at her home on the web at www.addisonfox.com or on Facebook (facebook.com/addisonfoxauthor) and Twitter (@addisonfox).

Karen Whiddon spun fanciful tales for her younger brothers as early as the age of eleven.  Growing up in the Catskill Mountains of New York, then the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, she found enough magic in the rugged peaks to keep her imagination fueled for years. 
Now making her home in North Texas, she shares her life with her hero-like husband and three doting dogs. She writes paranormal tales for Harlequin Nocturne and romantic suspense stories for Silhouette Romantic Suspense.  She's also written Fae novels for Lovespell and a long time ago, she wrote five Precious Gem Romances for Kensington publishing.
You can email Karen at KWhiddon1@aol.com or write her at P.O. Box 820807, Ft. Worth, TX76182. 

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