Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Release Week Blitz & Q&A & GIFS for SPLIT by JB Salsbury

Title: SPLIT
Author: JB Salsbury
On Sale: Nov 15, 2016
Publisher: Forever
Trade Paperback: $13.99 USD
eBook: $3.99 USD
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New York Times bestselling author JB Salsbury makes her Forever debut with a stand-alone unforgettable new novel, with a twist no one will see coming . . .

What do you do when you wake up with no memory of what you did last night?
Lucas spent the first half of his life protecting himself from others, but now his own mind is his biggest enemy. He doesn't know what happens when the blackouts overtake him, but he can recall the feelings—the rage, the confusion, the fear. Thankfully the quiet life he's found in Payson, Arizona has kept the darkness at bay. Until his boss's estranged daughter shows up in town, asking questions she shouldn't and sparking a desire Lucas can't control. Getting close to Shyann is the best thing that's ever happened to him, but when his blackouts return, unleashing the truth he's battled so long to hide, he may just lose her forever . . .




1. If your book was optioned as a movie, and you could have any actors, who do you see playing the main roles. 
I’ve always seen Lucas as Ryan Guzman and Shyann as model Mariah Watchman.

2. Tell your story in Five GIFs – Is six ok? 
(absolutely, the more the merrier!)

3. When you start writing, do you already have an ending in mind, or do you just let the narrative go where it takes you? 
I rarely know exactly how a story will end until I get there, but I always know it’ll end in an HEA. 

4. Have you done any of the things in your books? Where do you get your ideas? 
My characters are usually a lot braver than I am. Anything you read in SPLIT that is tame and everyday, I’ve probably done. If it’s daring and dangerous then chances are I wouldn’t go near it. 
I get ideas by exploring my fears. I take the things in life that scare the crap out of me (losing a parent, a child, being kidnaped, cliff diving, blacking out, etc.) and then write them so that I can live through them and come out on the other side okay. I think it’s therapeutic, although I still fear these things, I know there’s life after them.

5. How much of the book, if any, is inspired by personal experience? There’s a little bit of me in every book I write. In SPLIT the book takes place in a small town here in Arizona where I grew up visiting my grandparents and still do. Shyann is a beat reporter fresh out of college, which was what I did until I realized I didn’t like asking questions that upset people.  Shyann and her brother Cody’s relationship is modeled after my relationship with my brother. And if I look hard enough I find that I share a lot more personality quirks with Lucas than I’d like to admit.

New York Times bestselling author JB Salsbury spends her days lost in a world of budding romance and impossible obstacles. Her love of good storytelling led her to earn a degree in Media Communications. Since 2013 she has published six bestselling novels in The Fighting Series and won a RONE Award. JB Salsbury lives with her husband and two kids in Phoenix, Arizona.


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