Wednesday, November 2, 2016

MAX AT NIGHT & Original Sketch From Author & Illustrator Ed Vere

Ed Vere
Hardcover32 pages
Published Sept 6th 2016 
ISBN 978-1492632962
* * * * *
FTC Disclosure: This review is based on a copy provided by the publisher.
All thoughts and opinions are my own 

Meet Max - the mighty kitten and New York Times bestseller.

This is Max. Max is very sleepy. It's way past Max's bedtime. Max has drunk his milk. Max has brushed his teeth. Max has cleaned behind his ears. Now Max just needs to say goodnight...

Max is tired and all ready for bed, but when he can't find the moon to say goodnight to, he sets out to find it. But that's not as easy as Max had hoped... Witty and heart-warming, this stylish and beautifully illustrated book is the perfect bedtime read.

I sill have shelves and shelves of kid's books in my home though my kids age from 40 to 26. I even have a  bunch of my husband's books from his childhood. Some are tattered and torn but we still read them to the grandbabies. I collected new kid's books for years to give to my future grandkids. The oldest and the middle child have received a box each that their children are now enjoying.  My youngest has no children yet but I'm stuffing a box with books as I discover both old favorites and new finds. I recently won a copy of MAX AT NIGHT and an original illustration from author Ed Vere and Source Books. As my middle son has a three and one year old this will go to them.
One of my most enjoyable pastimes is reading to the three year old when I'm getting her settled for her nap. We read three or four books as she settles in to rest, often the same ones over and over again. Her mother recently taped her reading to the one year old (several of the stories I'm sure she knows almost by heart). I love that I have been able to pass on my love of reading to my children and through them to the next generation.
MAX AT NIGHT is a perfect addition to any small child's library and one you won't mind reading over and over again as it describes  Max's attempt to say good nite to his friend Moon before going to bed. 
The story and illustrations are simple and calming, a great combination for settling your little one at night or naptime. I loved the message that even if they couldn't see "Moon", "Moon" could hear them say goodnight. This is a comforting message to children that people they love but may not see everyday can still "hear" them say goodnight.
Now off to snag another copy of MAX AT NIGHT to add to my youngest
child's future box of reads and to check out the rest of the MAX lineup.

Ed Vere is an award winning and New York Times bestselling writer & illustrator of picture books, which are published all over the world.His latest book is 'Max and Bird', which is the third in the 'Max' series. 'Max the Brave' is a New York Times bestseller and was named one of The Sunday Times's '100 Modern Children's Classics'. It was also long listed for the Kate Greenaway medal and is published in over 12 languages.
'The Getaway', his first book, won the Highland Children's Book Award in 2007. The following year, 'Banana' was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway prize. In 2009 'Mr Big' was Booktrust’s official Booktime book, reaching 750,000 British schoolchildren – the largest single print run for a picture book! In the same year, pop-up book 'Chick' won the Booktrust Early Years Award for best baby book. 'Bedtime for Monsters' was shortlisted for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize in 2011 and the next year Ed had the honour of being one of the four Roald Dahl Funny Prize judges, along with Michael Rosen.
'Max at Night' was published in the UK in September 2015. Ed also works on many projects related to his books . . . from speaking at festivals from Rio to Kerala, and curating festivals in the UK, to appearing onstage with the Britten Sinfonia and the Neil Cowley Trio to bring Mr Big to life with music and live drawing. Recently Ed worked with Tiger Aspect to develop an animated TV series and is currently working with the Little Angel Theatre on a production of Mr Big. Ed lives and works in London.

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