Wednesday, November 16, 2016

First Look Celebration of THE WATCHER by Rebecca E. Neely

Hell bent on avenging his own death, former Keeper Dev Geary eagerly accepts when the Watchers task him with returning to the human realm to discover the secret for rendering Similitude—the very thing that killed him.
But to succeed in the seven days he’s been granted, he’ll need to work with the one human who wants nothing to do with him, and who he can’t help falling for—Meda Gabriel, a cagey, street smart bar owner with a unique skill set, and maybe, the key to his mission.

With the clock ticking and the Betrayers barely a step behind, can Dev conquer his demons and find the answers the clan so desperately needs, with Meda at his side? Can love find a way, or will he be forced to abandon her and the clan, leaving them all to face imminent destruction?

Celebrate the release of THE WATCHER by
Rebecca E. Neely with a sneak peek at the new
Crossing Realms story and 5 Exclusive Fun Facts
about the hero!
Giveaway: Rebecca is giving away one $25 Amazon
Giftcard and 5 Kindle copies of The Watcher!

5 Fun Facts About….
Dev Geary 
Loves to go camping
Plays the harmonica
Loves his Harley
Loves ‘Pittsburgh’ special lunch meat sammies topped 
with fries and coleslaw, cold beer and the Steelers

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A sucker for a happy ending, Rebecca writes the kind of stories she loves to read—those featuring authentic, edgy and vulnerable characters, smack dab in the middle of action that explodes from page one. 
She’s a cheddar enthusiast, lover of cats, teddy bears, hot coffee, cold beer, thunderstorms, the blast of a train’s whistle, the change of seasons, country roads, woodpeckers, spoon rings, cool office supplies, and the Food Network. 

Want to know more about Rebecca?
Website | Facebook | Twitter 

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