Saturday, November 5, 2016

Cover Reveal & Giveaway For DARK LOVE Love by Elison Grace

 Dark Law Book One (Novella)
 Elison Grace
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: TBA
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

When the sun goes down it's my job along with a few others called Dark Law, to protect the secrecy of our kind and the safety of the humans in Boston. Now there's a problem.
I have spent centuries looking for my soul mate. I've finally found her. Only it can't be the forever kind of love. Eternity - something I have but she doesn't. She's light and life. I'm darkness and death. I refuse to bring her into the darkness.
I need to protect Kinsey from the knowledge that monsters exist and that her soul is connected to one...Me.
If she finds out her world will be changed forever.

meet the author
Hey, I'm Elison. I am the author of the Loveland Fire Series. Courage that Counts and Rebuilding Trust are available now on Amazon.
I live in the Midwest with my husband, our sassy mini me, and a naughty dog named Murray.
Most of my time is spent stalking cover models and blogging about amazing books that I have read. I love being emotionally gutted by a book and you can more often than not find me up late crying over one. This may be why Courage that Counts has been known to emotionally shred the reader. If you enjoy an emotional read then try my books. Warning have tissues on hand.


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