Wednesday, November 2, 2016

CHRISTMAS IN THE CITY II by 11 Authors in the City Authors Release Blitz & Giveaway



Christmas In The City II  
Authors: Ashlee Taylor, Misha Elliott, Samantha Chase, Shari J. Ryan, Savanna Grey, Stephanie Rose, Janine Infante Bosco, Madison Street, CS Patra, Elizabeth Hayes & Jennifer L. Allen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: Nov 1, 2016

Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Eleven newly written stories by Authors in the City authors.
This anthology will benefit Caring Community Foundation,
located in Raleigh, NC where the 2017 Authors in the
City book signing will be held.
Authors in the City is hosted by:
Stephanie's Book Reports

Christmas Once Again - Samantha Chase
Like Christmas - Ashlee Taylor
Ugly sweater - Elizabeth Hayes
A change of heart - Shari J. Ryan
Christmas break - Misha Elliott
Joyful Temptations - Janine Infante Bosco
Dancing Snowflakes - Madison Street
The Lovers of Vale - CS Patra
Christmas Interference - Jennifer L. Allen
Rewrite - Stephanie Rose
All I Want for Christmas - Savanna Grey


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