Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Lucy Trilogy by L.M. Pruitt

Lucy Trilogy Book 1
Winged Series Book 11
L.M. Pruitt
Genre: Urban fantasy/paranormal romance
Publisher: SP Press
Date of Publication: July 26
Word Count: approx. 90K
Cover Artist: Najla Qambler

All my life, I've had plans. 
Dying the day before beginning the final year of my 
surgical residency wasn't one of them. Finding myself 
drafted in the eternal war between good and evil 
wasn't one of them, either.

And dealing with friends, enemies, and lovers 
I don't remember?

Definitely not in my plans.

Lucy Trilogy 2
Winged Series Book 12 
L.M. Pruitt
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Publisher: SP Press
Date of Publication: August 27
Word Count: approx. 90K
Cover Artist: Najla Qambler

The problem with plans?

 Even the best ones can go awry. And when they do...
 all hell breaks loose.

If I've learned only one thing in the last few months, 
it's the past never dies.

Four plagues down. Six more to come.

We need more than a plan.

We need a miracle.

Lucy Trilogy Book 3
Winged Series Book 13 
L.M. Pruitt
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance
Publisher: SP Press
Date of Publication: September 29
Word Count: approx. 90K
Formats available: ebook
Cover Artist: Najla Qambler

The problem with miracles?
They require a deity who cares.

And if you don't have one of those... you need a sacrifice.

Or the world ends

L.M. Pruitt is the international bestselling author of the Winged, Jude Magdalyn, and Moon Rising series, as well as other assorted works. Readers have described her work as "dark", "lush", and "action-packed". Her love for both small towns and the peculiarities of the South shines through whether she's writing about vampires, werewolves, or any other thing which might go bump in the night. She credits a lifetime of crime shows and a degree in criminology for her minor obsession with everything dark and twisty. She makes her home in Florida, which is a land of weirdness no book can truly capture.

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