Saturday, October 29, 2016

Cover Reveal For RED'S SALVATION & FAITHFUL ADDICTION Plus Freebies by Kennedy Layne

Cover Reveal & Pre-order!
Red's Salvation (Red Starr, Book Seven)

It has taken Catori Starr years to come to terms with the death of her husband during a failed hostage rescue mission.   She’d overcome her tragedy better than anyone could expect, but no one could truly understand the crushing black hole left in her grieving heart.  She’d moved on to the best of her abilities, even reopening the doors to their business and operating a hostage rescue team she’d personally recruited. 
Brendan “Red” O’Neill’s last mission didn’t go as planned.  He’d ended up becoming a political prisoner to a fragmented national government in a country that was supposed to be an ally to the United States of America.  He lost count of the endless days spent wasting away throughout his years in captivity, but never once had he forgotten the vision of his wife’s beautiful face.  She was the only motivation he’d managed to keep for his own sanity as he clung to life. 
Breathe.  That’s what Starr had to keep telling herself over and over as she discovered the closely held secrets surrounding the facts of that fated mission.  Her husband had been captured alive and she would move heaven and earth to bring him home, even if that meant sacrificing everything they had—including her own life.


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Releasing November 15th!
Faithful Addiction
(The Safeguard Series, Book Two)

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(Google and ARe coming soon)

Print:  B&N

Faithful Addiction
(The Safeguard Series, Book Two)


Former Marine Royce Haverton had needed a break from the bloodshed he’d witnessed time and again during his last combat tour. He’d fulfilled his contract to the Corps and it was now time to move on. Little did he know the job he’d just accepted would lead him down the same violent path as before. 
Cailyn Geneva had spent the last three months recovering from a brutal hit and run her family swore was intentional. Another vicious attempt on her life proves their suspicions to be true and her brother takes matters into his own hands by hiring a security firm to look after her. She agrees to do whatever it takes to stay alive…even if that means facing her past mistakes. 
Royce doesn’t like surprises, so walking into the office to find an old family friend desperate for a favor certainly doesn’t make his morning. Neither does discovering a cold-blooded murderer is after the one woman who had once meant everything to him. Will they be given the time to explore the still smoldering desire that lies beneath the surface before a ruthless killer tries to finish what he started?

Free Starters into three series!

Kennedy Layne is a USA Today bestselling author. She draws inspiration for her military romantic suspense novels in part from her not-so-secret second life as a wife of a retired Marine Master Sergeant. He doubles as her critique partner, beta reader, and military consultant. They live in the Midwest with their teenage son and menagerie of pets. The loyal dogs and mischievous cats appreciate her writing days as much as she does, usually curled up in front of the fireplace. She loves hearing from readers--find out how to connect with her at

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