Monday, October 17, 2016

Book Blitz & Giveaway For All Or Nothing by Natalie Ann


book blitz
Book Title: All or Nothing
Author: Natalie Ann
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 28, 2016
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions
He’s a hardened ex-Navy SEAL with a smile that would melt your grandmother’s heart. She’s a tough-as-nail nurse who has a soft spot for those in need.
Returning home after the death of his best friend in the line of duty, ex-Navy SEAL Ben Harper has managed to fool everyone that he’s fine. A master at hiding his thoughts and feelings, he’s positive that no one is on to him.
Presley James is drawn to the new Director of Security at the hospital where she works. Tall, dark, dangerous and sexy as hell. With a wicked grin and happy hello for everyone—he's a total contradiction. After spending most of her life caring for people, she can spot a pretender a mile away and isn't duped by his masquerade one bit!
Will she be able to help him find his way when her own baggage is more than even she can handle?

Mature content, not intended for under 18 years of age.
In the end, she drove home after her shift despite the fact she really wanted to go to his house. At one point, she started to turn her car in that direction, but then chickened out and went home instead.

The minute she walked in the door she wished she hadn’t though. Realization dawned. She wanted to spend the night with him and almost turned around, walked back out the door and drove across town to his place. Instead, she made a cup of tea, brought it back to her bedroom, and sipped it in bed while she looked through an old photo album from her childhood.

Turning page after page, reminiscing over fond memories—which were so long ago and diminishing rapidly—fighting back the emotions and thinking of Ben. She needed to make some serious decisions soon because things were moving fast with Ben, and she had to decide if she was ready to take the step toward him.

He hadn’t said anything different, hadn’t acted any different, or even put pressure on their relationship. But she knew enough about him by now—and his family. His family was close, closer knit than anything she had ever witnessed. He was slowly pulling her into his life. She wanted to be part of that life—wished to be part of it more than anything she had wished for in her adult life.

Those fears that had lingered in her mind for years had to be pushed back first though. Fears of being left alone again if things didn’t work out. It was too early to even know right now. For as much as she knew about him, there was still plenty that she didn’t. Surprisingly, she wanted to. She wanted to know what made him tick, what made him move, and what made him into the man he was today.

He hadn’t talked about Trent at all since that one night a week ago when he had a nightmare. But one other night he was mumbling in his sleep, whispered sounds, urgent sounds, and she swore she heard Trent’s name.

There was definitely something going on there. He was good at hiding whatever it was. Nevertheless, she saw. She had a feeling Kaitlin did too, and that was what Kaitlin had meant weeks ago when she said she hoped Presley helped Ben heal.

Presley was good at keeping secrets. She had plenty of them herself, which was why she sensed that Ben did also.

Besides the situation with Trent, whatever that might be, Presley had a feeling there were more secrets that Ben had. Secrets about his past in the service that no one knew about and would never know.

So until she could get a grasp on them, or how he was handling them, she was going to stay one step back regardless. She didn’t need to take on someone else’s past, not when hers was enough to overwhelm her as it was.

There would always be obstacles in their way until they both came clean. Unfortunately, she wasn’t sure she could ever come clean with her past. Not the complete truth of it all. Some things were just too hard to share with anyone.

Natalie Ann lives in upstate NY with her husband and teenage son. By day she’s a bean counter, by night she tries—and mostly fails—to be superwoman. Wife, mother, maid, cook and sometimes dog walker.
After decades of her head in the clouds full dreams, characters, and scenarios, she decided to put pen to paper determined to not give up until the draft of her first book was complete. Now here she is publishing her ninth book!
She loves to hear from her readers, so please drop her a line, even if it’s just to say hi.

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