Monday, August 29, 2016

Blog Tour & Spotlight for The Stranger by Anna del Mar

The Stranger
A Wounded Warrior #2
Anna del Mar
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Contemporary romance, 
SEAL romance, Military Romance
Publisher: Carina Press
Date of Publication: August 22, 2016
eISBN: 9781459294301ASIN: B01EF3MHSU
Number of pages: 323 pages
Cover Artist: Carina Press
When a mysterious stranger is your only hope…
The scars of the past have left their mark, both physical and emotional, on former military pilot Seth Erickson. Off-grid in the far reaches of the bitter Alaskan wilderness, he wants only to be left alone with his ghosts. But he can't ignore a woman in need—beautiful, stranded and nearly frozen with fear.
Summer Silva never imagined that the search for her missing sister would leave her abandoned on a wintry back road, barely escaping with her life from a cold-blooded killer for hire. Now, hiding out in the isolated cabin of the secretive wounded warrior who saved her, Summer knows she must do what she fears most. Putting her trust in a stranger is all she has left.
All defenses are down
After a fiery first night together, Seth and Summer are bound by a need as powerful as a Bering Sea superstorm—and vulnerable to enemies just as fierce. For Seth, reawakened by desire, there is no sacrifice too great, no memory too dark, to keep Summer safe. But murder and treason lurk everywhere and Summer may not survive Alaska's ruthless winter.

Short Excerpt/First Kiss:
 “I think we’d be better off accepting what’s happening here.” “And that is...?” “That I want to kiss you.” I hit the point of no return. “And that you want me to kiss you.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper. “It’s not true.” “It’s true and you know it.” I ran my thumb over the soft expanse of her cheek. “So I propose that I kiss you now and get it out of the way. One kiss. Then we go to sleep and I mean just that, sleep, together, on my bed.” I held my breath. “What do you think? Is it too much to ask?” She opened her mouth and closed it. A storm brewed in her eyes. She wasn’t sure. I knew it was a long shot, but I wasn’t one to hold back for fear of failure. Her nostrils widened, taking in my scent as if sniffing for danger. The seconds ticked by, minutes, hours, centuries. And then...surprise. She nodded ever so slightly. I didn’t wait for her to change her mind. I kissed her, a connection that my body celebrated with fireworks. I put my arms around her waist and tasted her lips, her tongue, her breath. Glory. My body resonated with the memories of our night together. I kissed her, as I’d wanted to do for two days, and the kiss confirmed that the connection that tugged on my senses was real. I held her face between my hands and kissed her some more until we were both out of breath and I hovered at the edge of no return. I made a huge effort to climb out of a very steep drop before I screwed everything up. “Christ,” I rasped when I finally managed to tear my lips from hers. Her breath came in short gasps, her eyes sparkled and her face flushed as if she had overexerted herself. “Hell, I could kiss you all night.” I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before letting go. “But this little taste of you is going to last me ’til morning.” Body screaming in protest, I took a step back. “Now go in there, get in bed, and don’t be scared. Okay? I’ll be along shortly.” Her lips wavered, then a new smile birthed in her eyes and spread to her face, a mischievous grin that turned those luscious lips up at the corners and warned of all kinds of trouble. She leaned into my space and, approaching me slowly, delivered her own kiss to my lips. The kiss was like an arctic wallop, but scalding; like a blow to the senses, but soft. Her tongue swiped a little taste of me. I gasped when she cut me off without warning, leaving me reeling, rock hard and without a trace of oxygen flowing to my lungs. “Erickson?” she said before she sauntered off. “I don’t think you understand.” “Understand what?” She halted at the threshold and looked over her shoulder. “I’m not scared of you anymore,” she said. “I’m scared of me when I’m with you.”

How the Majesty of Alaska Inspired My Writing

Anna del Mar
I’ve always loved traveling. I find joy in the journey and satisfaction in the learning that comes from it, in meeting new people and experiencing other cultures. But the first time I traveled to Alaska, I found something else: inspiration for my writing, 
a strong creative drive to share 
the beauty I discovered there with my readers. I
 kept going back for more.
From my personal, life-transforming travels through Alaska, my latest romantic suspense, The Stranger, was born. The Stranger is the second book of my Wounded Warrior Series, following on the heels of my Amazon bestseller, The Asset. The Stranger features Summer Silva and Seth Erickson, fire and ice, a most unlikely pair. I like to say that fiery Summer’s character benefited from all of my Alaskan misadventures—believe me, there were plenty of those and they weren’t always pretty or dignified—while icy Seth is Alaska in the flesh.
The story goes something like this: When her sister runs away with a guy she met on the internet, Summer, a warmth-loving Miami architect chases her reckless sibling to Alaska and finds her life in danger from more than the elements. Only a stranger, Seth, a wounded warrior who is also a powerful Alaskan tycoon with a quarreling family as complicated as Summer’s and no time for a lady in distress can save her from disaster. Together, two strangers from different worlds and opposite spectrums of the thermometer must unravel the intrigues that threaten their lives to chase after a new dream, in majestic Alaska. 
The vastness, the beauty and the character of Alaska inspired me to write The Stranger. I hope that when you read the story, you are inspired as well. So come along on the journey. I’m happy to share. You can visit Alaska from the comfort of your reader and laugh, cry and feel along with Summer and Seth as they fight their demons and find forever love. And if you fall in love with Alaska, well, believe me. I understand.
Here’s a first review of The Stranger. And it’s an awesome one!

Embedded links:

Anna del Mar writes hot, smart romances that soothe the soul, challenge the mind, and satisfy the heart. Her stories focus on strong heroines struggling to find their place in the world and the brave, sexy, kickass, military heroes who defy the limits of their broken bodies to protect the women they love. Anna enjoys traveling, hiking, skiing, and the sea. Writing is her addiction, her drug of choice, and what she wants to do all the time. The extraordinary men and women she met during heryears as a Navy wife inspire the fabulous heroes and heroines at the center of her stories. When she stays put—which doesn’t happen very often—she lives in Florida with her indulgent husband and two very opinionated cats.

Tour giveaway $25.00 Amazon Gift Card

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