Monday, July 18, 2016

WAKING EDEN by Rhenna Morgan-Blog Tour/Giveaway/Excerpt

Waking Eden by Rhenna Morgan Series: Eden #3 Published by Rhenna Morgan on 07/26/2016 Genres: Fantasy, Contemporary Romance Pages: 327 Source: Barclay Publicity
With a long foretold and annoyingly vague prophecy warning of immense change for Eden, Ramsay Shantos is forced to hunt words and legends instead of rebels. For a man of action, it’s the worst kind of agony. Until he encounters a sexy librarian who bears the fated prophecy’s mark. A mark no human should possess.
Tortured by her mixed heritage, Trinity Blair has enjoyed little human touch in her life, let alone intimacy. Even the most innocent contact fills her mind with a person’s deepest, darkest secrets—except for Ramsay. Her immunity to his thoughts sparks a fragile hope that she might finally experience the passion of her Dark Spiritu brethren…unless he’s the dangerous crossroads her father predicted.
When knowledge of Eden goes viral in the human realm, Trinity is Ramsay’s only hope for quelling mass panic. Can he risk revealing the secrets of his race to the guileless ray of sunshine? Or is she the unknown source of Eden’s destruction?
Warning: Contains one playboy warrior well-equipped with wicked words, a panty-melting grin, and well-honed moves in and out of the bedroom.

In this scene, Trinity’s just met Ramsay and realized she can actually touch him without the same blast of visuals and secrets she gets when in contact with everyone else. The question is if that’s a good thing, or something terrible dangerous.
"Eye candy. The guy was pure unadulterated, grade-A eye candy. She sucked with height estimations, but her lips were on a direct line with the rock hard pecs she’d shamelessly fondled and there were scattered light streaks in his dark hair. Not much. Only enough to imply her panther spent time lazing in the sun. His voice rumbled, even more tempting than the rest of him. “I can wait all night.” He held his outstretched hand steady, tanned skin tempting her as strongly as his words. Definitely a sun-prone panther. She’d touched him twice already. Surely another wouldn’t hurt. “Trinity Blair.” Their palms met, his hand encompassing hers in a delicious heat that radiated out in all directions and made her want to snuggle up so tight no space was left between them. The world stopped. The bar ceased to exist. No images. No fearsome emotions. Just perfect, addictive touch. Tessa’s voice cut through the cocoon of her thoughts. “Oh, my God. Did you just touch him?” Trinity snatched her hand away and stepped back. “Well, well, well,” Naomi’s sultry voice sounded from the loveseat as she reclined and draped one arm along the cushions. “This is turning into an interesting night.” Margo stood, jerked her head at Naomi to move, and motioned at Ramsay to sit. “Why don’t you two take a load off? Me and Naomi are headed to the bar. Anyone want refills?” Oh, boy. She’d seen that matchmaking gleam in Margo’s eyes before, but never aimed at her. Definitely not good if she wanted to keep any semblance of control for the rest of the night. “Sit with him,” Margo whispered in her ear before turning and tugging Naomi along with her. Ramsay grinned, clearly hearing her friend’s traitorous instruction. Mortified, Trinity dropped onto the loveseat as close to the edge as possible. Ramsay settled close. His gaze rested on her throat before it jumped to her eyes. “So, no touching. Sounds like an interesting story.” More like the only thing interesting about her, and yet the one thing she couldn’t talk about. Even if she could share something about her Spiritu self, her brain seemed to have gone on strike in favor of ogling the strapping god planted two inches away. “It bugs me, is all. Most people make me antsy. I guess…” She rubbed her thigh. “I guess you slipped in under the radar, and then after, I didn’t have time to think.” Again his gaze dropped to her neck, and his smile faltered. She checked her collar and made sure the sides were pulled together, hiding the pendant her adopted father, David, had given her before he died. “You sure?” Ramsay tilted his head, considering. “I think we should try again. Test the theory.” Well, if that wasn’t a perfect opportunity offered up on a silver platter. All her life, the only person who’d been able to touch her without impact was Kazan. She’d give anything to try something beyond a simple handshake. Ramsay leaned in, his arm stretching along the seat back. His facial structure radiated the same power as his body. Proud nose, strong jaw covered in sexy stubble, and thick eyebrows, one arched a little more than the other. His warm, earthy scent surrounded her, clean with a hint of something exotic. Sandalwood maybe. “Touch me.” Hard to call it a command the way he said it. More of a dark, sensual dare. One that worked nerve endings she hadn’t even know existed. “Where?” As soon as the question left her mouth his eyelids lowered slightly over stormy silver eyes. “Carte blanche. Lady’s choice.”

Rhenna Morgan writes for the same reason she reads—to escape reality.
A native Oklahoman with two beautiful girls and a fantastic husband, her resume reflects her passion for new experiences. Since graduating with a Bachelors in Radio, Television, and Film at Oklahoma State, she’s racked up positions ranging from on-air radio talent, skip tracer, and promotions director, to real estate agent, project manager, and business analyst.
Like most women, she’s got obligations stacked tight from dusk to dawn. That’s where the romance comes in. Reading, or writing, romance has been her happy place since she cracked the spine on her first Christine Feehan book years ago. Nothing thrills her more than the fantasy of new, exciting worlds, and strong, intuitive men who’ll fight to keep the women they want.
Whether it’s contemporary, paranormal, or fantasy you’re after, Rhenna’s stories pack romantic escape for the women who need it.

Connect with Rhenna: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon Author Page | Goodreads | Instagram | Pinterest |Tumblr | Newsletter

One (1) lucky reader will #win a $25 #giftcard from Amazon and one (1) lucky winner will win an Eden Series prize pack!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for helping me share my upcoming release!


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