Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Review/Book Trailer-The Society by Jodie Andrefski * * *

Title: The Society
Author: Jodie Andrefski
Genre: YA Coming of Age
Rating: * * * 
Publishers: Entangled Teen
(May 3, 2016)
Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN: 978-1633753181
FTC Disclosure: Copy provided by the publisher 

Welcome to Trinity Academy’s best-kept secret.
The Society.
You’ve been handpicked by the elite of the elite to become a member. But first you’ll have to prove your worth by making it through Hell Week.
Do you have what it takes?
It’s time to find out.
Samantha Evans knows she’d never get an invite to rush the Society―not after her dad went to jail for insider trading. But after years of relentless bullying at the hands of the Society’s queen bee, Jessica, she’s ready to take down Jessica and the Society one peg at a time from the inside out.
All it’ll take is a bit of computer hacking, a few fake invitations, some eager rushees…and Sam will get her revenge.
Let the games begin.

I gotta admit I wasn't blown away by this book. It did have a redeeming ending to it but I almost feel like this type of book adds to kids thinking bullying is okay. Maybe I've finally reached the point where I need to leave books alone that are intended for the high school age as I truly can't imagine what leads them to make the decisions they do and never do they seem to reach out to an adult. My daughter is a high school teacher and keeps a lending library in her classroom so I try to pass on any appropriate books to her. This is one I'll pass on but I've still got reservations and feel like some books and TV shows tend to glamorize bullying and I tend to get pissed off at this.

Jodie Andrefski has been passionate about reading ever since she was a little girl, when she used to climb trees to escape with a favorite book. She lives and writes in a small town in Pennsylvania with her teenage daughter, and has an older son who is out and about on his own. Though still an avid reader, she now prefers a comfy chair over the crook of a tree. An unapologetic coffee fiend, she's even happier if her java comes with pie. 

Andrefski often draws on her background in education and mental health counseling to bring real world experience to her writing. She is a firm believer in the magic of a first kiss, and insists that you should never, ever give up on your dreams. #AlwaysKeepFighting 

Find her online:
Twitter @2000_words
Author Facebook:

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