Monday, July 25, 2016

Book Tour/Giveaway-Dragon in the Blood by Juliette Cross

Dragon in the Blood
Vale of Stars
Book Two
Juliette Cross

Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance

Date of Publication: July 26, 2016


Word Count: 72K

Cover Artist: Kanaxa
When desire bites, there’s no patience for a slow burn. 
While all seems quiet in Gladium Province, the Morgon Guard—the global justice force for the dragon hybrid race—knows their enemy is rebuilding its forces in the underground. 
Valla Moonring, an assassin for the Order of the Morgon Guard, is ordered on a mission into the Wastelands of Aria—a formidable, icy wilderness fraught with all manner of dangers, including outlaws, deadly weather, and big-game predators. 
To her great distaste, she’s partnered with a Nightwing Security operative, Conn Rowanflame, a Morgon with the aggravating ability to get under her skin. While she takes her mission seriously, Conn’s confident charm throws her off balance, a dangerous place to be in conditions like these. Especially when cold nights require close contact. 
Sensual attraction binds them ever closer, igniting a passion of unexpected force—the soulfire. But when the hunters become the hunted, their bond could prove perilous. Even fatal...

  • Excerpt:
    Conn slowed his descent as treetops came into view beyond the fading mist, which had
    thinned to nearly nothing in the past hour. Whipping open my wings, I landed softly on the hard
    ground among a grove of evergolds. Even in this frozen tundra, the giants famous for their flora
    of fire-gold leaves grew tall and thick-branched in abundance. I lifted my visor to a brilliant burst
    of color that contrasted against the brown earth and snow-swept embankments.
    Bowen landed quietly behind me. “How about some lunch before we set out on foot?” He
    removed and tucked away his visor and unpacked his crossbow from its sheath on his back for
    the first time on this journey.
    “Let’s get into the cover of trees,” said Conn, moving along the natural path. “And lunch
    sounds perfect.”
    “Benta’s breakfast wasn’t enough for you?” I asked, meeting his long stride.
    “I always have an appetite, sweetheart.”
    “While you two continue flirting, I’ll find some small game nearby. Set up the hotpad
    over near that big evergold.”
    Without a sound, Bowen disappeared into the trees.
    “Flirting?” I scoffed. “I wasn’t flirting.”
    “I was.” Conn grinned.
    “Stop it.”
    “I haven’t even gotten started yet.”
    “You’re infuriating.”
    “So you’ve said before.”
    “Listen—” I put up both gloved hands to stop his snarky banter for just one second. “I’m
    glad we’re finally alone.”
    “Me, too.” His lopsided grin made my heart flutter.
    Exhaling a frustrated sigh, I stopped under a thick oak with ample coverage from above
    and unhooked my chest pack before dropping it to the ground. “There’s something I’ve been
    meaning to talk to you about…about last night.”
    “Mmm. Last night.”
    He removed his own pack and gloves, then pulled out the small, electronic hotpad. After
    opening the tripod that kept it off the ground, he turned it on. Gisa ordered us to use the hotpad
    instead of fire when we were in the open to avoid alerting predators or criminals to our presence.
    Conn stood and propped his hands low on his hips. “Would you like a second round?
    “No…no.” I cleared my throat and shook my head, my ponytail sliding on the smooth
    leather of my jacket. “Actually, that should never have happened. I shouldn’t have let that
    happen. But I—”
    “Couldn’t resist,” he finished, a devilish smile brimming his beautiful face. “It’s okay. It
    happens a lot.”
    “You’re such an ass.” I rolled my eyes. “I could’ve resisted.”
    “Could you?”
    He broke his rigid stance and sauntered closer, a feral glimmer in his gaze. By instinct, I
    backed up a step, my wings scraping the rough bark of the evergold behind me. He moved into
    my personal space.
    “What are you doing?” I asked, heart hammering.
  • He flattened one hand against the tree above my head, his finger grazing the arch of my
    wing. I shivered.
    “Are you sure you could resist?”
    I cleared my throat. “Of course,” I said, trying to sound confident, but my voice betrayed
    me and broke.
    “Well…I couldn’t.” He brushed the back of his knuckles along my jaw. I held still,
    “Actually, I want to taste you again. Right now.
    Even stone-cold sober, I felt drunk from a single touch, longing to fall back into his arms
    and let him show me what his hazel-gold eyes promised without a word.
    He leaned close, his warm breath grazing my ear. “Let me taste you again, Valla.”
    I planted my hands on his chest, wishing there weren’t the layers of thermal suit and
    leather between my palms and his rock-hard chest.
    He nuzzled the shell of my ear with his nose, then his lips. “Let me.”
    His darkened voice pleaded and demanded at the same time, spreading warmth between
    my legs. What had gotten into me? I pushed him out of my way and stormed toward a densely
    wooded area.
    “Where are you going?” he laughed. “Running away?”
    “I’ve gotta go to the bathroom,” I yelled over my shoulder.
    “Not by yourself, you’re not.” His footsteps crunched across the thin blanket of snow and
    leaves behind me.
    I whirled, heat burning up my neck, now from anger not lust. “Whoa, there, big boy.” I
    threw up a hand, halting him several feet away. “Look. You’re not my keeper. And just because
    we shared one kiss doesn’t mean anything. I’m going to relieve myself by myself. Do you
    His wings twitched at his back. Agitated. Whatever.
    “And stop scowling at me,” I called back as I spun and trekked off the path into the

Juliette calls lush, moss-laden Louisiana home where the landscape curls into her imagination, creating mystical settings for her stories. She has a B.A. in creative writing from Louisiana State University, a M.Ed. in gifted education, and was privileged to study under the award-winning author Ernest J. Gaines in grad school. Her love of mythology, legends, and art serve as constant inspiration for her works. From the moment she read JANE EYRE as a teenager, she fell in love with the Gothic romance--brooding characters, mysterious settings, persevering heroines, and dark, sexy heroes. Even then, she not only longed to read more novels set in Gothic worlds, she wanted to create her own.

Tour Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the cover, and can't wait to read the book.

  2. Such a fabulous cover and sounds like one I could get lost in for a few hours:)


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