Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Zero by Morgan Dark- Giveaway & Tell Your Story in 3 to 5 GIFs

Zero (Zero)
Author: Morgan Dark
Publisher: Rubiños, 1860
Release Date: June 28th 2016
Genre: Young Adult, Mystery, Thriller

A baffling robber.
A mystery hidden for years.
And an elite boarding school where no one is who they say they are.
Kyle Bradford is the envy of Drayton College, but everything takes a turn when a dangerous shadow, hidden in the darkness, starts to stalk him. From then on, his life falls apart. Unjustly accused of being the main suspect behind the robberies terrifying high society, he is forced to prove his innocence. And to do so, he has to find the real culprit: Zero, an infallible criminal who keeps his identity hidden under a silver mask. What Kyle does not know is that his enemy is keeping a secret. A secret he would sacrifice everything for.
A dizzying, heart-stopping thriller you won’t be able to put down.

                         ZERO in Five GIFs
 Kyle Bradford is the envy of Drayton College.

 But everything takes a turn when a dangerous shadow, 
hidden in the darkness, starts to stalk him. 
From then on, his life falls apart. 

 Unjustly accused of being the main suspect 
behind the robberies terrifying high society,
 he is forced to prove his innocence. 

 And to do so, he has to find the real culprit:
 Zero, an infallible criminal who keeps his identity 
hidden under a silver mask. 

What Kyle does not know is that his enemy
is keeping a secret. A secret
he would sacrifice everything for.

Barnes & Noble (B&N)

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Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Morgan Dark is one of the most original teenage literature writers. Always enveloped in suspense, as of yet no one knows her true identity. She began writing Zero after a hooded man robbed her in her New York apartment. Included amongst the stolen items was her favorite ring. Yet in exchange, she received a publishing contract for her new novel. After Zero became one of the most awaited teenage books in 2015, her ring showed up in her house again…in black envelope with no sender.

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