Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Want Ad Wedding by Cheryl St.John-3*

Title: Want Ad Wedding
Series: Cowboy Creek #1
Author: Cheryl St.John
Genre: Christian Historical Romance
Rating: * * *
Publishers: Love Inspired 
(Apr 5, 2016)
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN: 978-0373283552
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

Second Chance Bride 

When Daniel Gardner convinced the residents of his Kansas boomtown to advertise for mail-order brides, he never expected the woman he once loved to respond. But Leah Swann steps off the bride train…pregnant and widowed and in need of a husband. Drawn to protect his fragile childhood friend, Daniel proposes a marriage of convenience. 
Seeing her onetime best friend waiting to meet the bride train is a wonderful shock for Leah. After her first rocky marriage, a practical partnership with Daniel sounds perfect—as long as her heart doesn't get involved. But when she starts to fall for her husband, will her plans of a fresh start be ruined…or is a real marriage to Daniel exactly what she needs? 

Cowboy Creek: Bringing mail-order brides, and new beginnings, to a Kansas boomtown.

I really wanted to love this book. I love historicals, cowboys and the whole idea of mail-order brides but felt that this story was a bit lacking in details. I wanted more history and more of the bride train. I think it would have benefited more if you could have seen the trip on the train to the new Kansas town. This was a good clean romance and I do so enjoy seeing people get a second  chance at love. In this case, for both of them.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya, I get frustrated when I read a historical and I get the details or the authenticity that I want.


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