Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Holding Court by K.C. Held-

Title: Holding  Court
Author: K C Held
Genre: YA Mystery
Rating: ****
Publishers: Entangled Teen
(Mar 1, 2016)
Paperback: 352 pages
ISBN: 978-1633752276
FTC Disclosure: Copy provided by Publisher

Sixteen-year-old Jules Verity knows exactly what's in store at her new job at castle-turned-dinner-theater Tudor Times. Some extra cash, wearing a fancy-pants dress, and plenty of time to secretly drool over the ever-so-tasty--and completely unavailable--Grayson Chandler. Except that it's not quite what she imagined. 
For one, the costume Jules has to wear is awful. Then there's the dead body she finds that just kind of...well, disappears. Oh, and there's the small issue of Jules and her episodes of what her best friend calls "Psychic Tourette's Syndrome"--spontaneous and uncontrollable outbursts of seemingly absurd prophecies.
The only bright side? This whole dead body thing seems to have gotten Grayson's attention. Except that the more Jules investigates, the more she discovers that Grayson's interest might not be as courtly as she thought. In fact, it's starting to look suspicious...

I love when a book actually makes you laugh out loud when reading it. While my husband generally ignores these outbursts, people at the restaurant, where my mother and I eat a couple times a week, though tend to move to tables further away for some reason. 

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