Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Hunter by Kerrigan Byrne- 4 1/2*

Title: The Hunter
Series: Victorian Rebel #2
Author: Kerrigan Byrne
Genre: Historical Romance
Rating: * * * * 1/2
Publishers: St Martin's Paperbacks
(Feb 2, 2016)
Paperback: 432 pages
ISBN: 978-1250076069
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

They're rebels, scoundrels, and blackguards--dark, dashing men on the wrong side of the law. But for the women who love them, a hint of danger only makes the heart beat faster...
A scandalous proposal...
Christopher Argent lives in the shadows as the empire's most elite assassin. Emotion is something he tossed away years ago, making him one of the most clear-eyed, cold-hearted, wealthiest, and therefore untouchable men in London. But when his latest target turns out to be London's own darling, Millicent LeCour, Christopher's whole world is turned upside down. Overwhelmed by her stunning combination of seduction and innocence, Christopher cannot complete the mission. She has made him feel again. Now, he will do anything to save her life, even if it means risking his own...
A perilous passion...
When Millie learns what Christopher was hired to do, she is torn between the fear in her heart and the fire in her soul. Putting herself in this notorious hunter's arms may be her only path to safety--even if doing so could be the deadliest mistake she's ever made. But how can she resist him? As the heat between her and Christopher burns out of control, danger lurks in the shadows. Is their desire worth the risk? Only the enemy knows what fate has in store...

Public executions took place here until 1868 and
future British executioners were trained at Newgate;
one of the last was 
John Ellis in 1901 
I've not read the first book in this series and it's really not essential to the storyline in this one, but I just have to go back and read it so I have a fuller picture of these assassins. Christopher Argent was born and raised in Newgate Prison. I did not realized that a child born in prison was actually raised there. That absolutely blew my mind. It certainly has you weighing the importance of Nature vs Nurture. It also had me googling Newgate and being even more horrified. This prison was still used up until 1902. 
While this is a pretty dark story for a romance, there was some humor and Millie's "son" to  lighten it a bit. I loved the mystery but had been fairly certain about midways through who was behind the kidnappings and murders. I especially  enjoyed the fact that the story did not revolve around the upper class but more around those of the lower class levels. This was a pretty fast paced story (though it did drag a bit in the middle) and I read it in the space of less than 24 hours. One thing I especially loved about it was that it had me hunting up as much as I could on Newgate prison and indulging in my love of history. I always appreciate a story that keeps me thinking about aspects of it long after I've finished it. 


Victorian Rebel Series

1. The Highwayman (2015)

2. The Hunter (2016)

3. The Highlander (Aug 2, 2016)

Kerrigan Byrne
Kerrigan's often been heard complaining that she was born to the wrong century. Flowing skirts, coiffed hair, horse drawn carriages, and historic political intrigue - is way more her speed. Only, everyone who knows her doubts she'd make it without her laptop, Pandora Radio, Indian food and - most importantly - the beloved coffee maker/espresso machine. 

Though she spends most of her time romanticizing the past, she's spent a great deal of her life exploring all over the Western United States and, more recently the UK and Ireland. Having spent the last ten years in Law Enforcement, she's added Mystery/Suspense to the many things she loves to read and write about. 

She lives with her husband and three lovely step-daughters at the base of the Rocky Mountains but dreams of the coast.

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