Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Rock-a-Bye Rescue Guarding Eve\Claiming Caleb by Beth Cornelison, Karen Whiddon-3 *

Title: Rock-a-Bye Rescue Guarding Eve\Claiming Caleb 
Author: Beth Cornelison, Karen Whiddon
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Rating: * * *
Publishers: Harlequin
(Feb 9, 2016)
Paperback: 288 pages
ISBN: 978-0373279760
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

Two babies in jeopardy…two powerful stories in one! 
When an unhinged cult leader escapes custody, he'll stop at nothing to get to two innocent babies…and the foster mothers who stand in his way. 

GUARDING EVE by Beth Cornelison 

Lila Green goes from foster mom to bodyguard when a storm traps her and six-month-old Eve in a remote mountain cabin with a killer on their heels. Can her neighbor, wounded veteran Dean Hamilton, help them survive? 

CLAIMING CALEB by Karen Whiddon 

Michelle Morgan must protect her newborn nephew, Caleb—and even work with her ex-fiancé. FBI agent Garrett Ware never wanted children, but now he'll sacrifice everything for this baby…and this woman. 

These stories had two things that ordinarily mark a story as a sure winner for me-babies and a second chance at romance. Throw in suspense and bam! I'm loving it. But for some reason neither clicked for me. Possibly because both stories are less than 150 pages each, there wasn't time to give you much of a back story on the "cult's" activities though you did get some on the failed earlier romances of both couples. 
I especially found Lila less than sympathetic. She dwelled too much on Dean not telling her exactly what was going on and less with getting her butt in gear and getting the hell out of Dodge when she overheard that the killer was after the baby. Seriously! time for hurt feelings later! Move it woman!  I really just wanted to slap her.
Again, because of the brevity of the stories there really wasn't a lot of build up of suspense. You already knew (and so did they) who was after them so the suspense was a bit flat. Though having read numerous books by both authors, I'll definitely pick up more of their works.

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