Saturday, February 6, 2016

Review-The Paris Time Capsule by Ella Carey-5 *

Title: The Paris Time Capsule
Author: Ella Cary
Genre: Historical Fiction
Rating: * * * * *
Publishers: Lake Union Publishing
(May 26, 2015)
Paperback: 274 pages
ISBN: 978-1477829936
FTC Disclosure: Purchased from Amazon

Inspired by the fascinating true story of a treasure filled apartment that was abandoned in Paris for seventy years,The Paris Time Capsule is a blend of romance, history and mystery that will take you on a journey through France, from the charms of Paris to Provence’s delectable vineyards and villages …
In 2010, New York photographer Cat Jordan is fighting against her difficult past. But when a stranger dies in Paris, Cat finds herself the sole inheritor of an apartment in the ninth arrondissement that has been abandoned for seventy years since its mysterious owner, Madame de Florian, fled on the eve of the Nazi invasion in 1940.
A stash of love letters belonging to the owner’s grandmother, the infamous Belle Epoque courtesan Marthe de Florian, and the appearance of the beautiful and mysterious Isabelle de Florian’s grandson, Loic Archer, leads Cat in search of the reasons why Isabelle kept her Paris apartment a secret until her death, and why she left her entire estate to Cat.
As Cat unravels the story, she too embarks on her own journey, realizing that the secrets in the apartment may finally unlock the future…
An enchanting tale, inspired by a fascinating true story, filled with unforgettable characters, each caught in the relentless turmoil of their own generation. Ella Carey’s The Paris Time Capsule will linger in your thoughts long after you have finished it.

While doing some early spring cleaning I ran across a review  that I had written but apparently never posted. At the time I read this it was only $.99 on Amazon but now has gone back up to $3.99. There are several used copies for $.05 so you with  shipping you still won't have but $4.04 in a print copy.

I've got to admit, I was intrigued about this book ages ago when I first heard mention of it. I immediately ran down and read every newspaper and magazine article I could get my hands on about the abandoned apartment.  I was fascinated by all the pictures and was looking forward to reading this gem. Having had a father-in-law who fought in WWII for 666 days and remembering some of the many stories he had told of his travels through France, really tweaked my interest. Somehow, I missed it when it was released but just ran across a blog review and noticed the eBook was only .99 cents so I immediately grabbed a copy to read on my new Kindle Fire.
It was every bit as great as I thought it would be and then some. There was romance and  mystery and for every question answered yet another pops up. This was a very quick read and the only thing missing would have been some color glossy pictures to go along with it. Luckily, I'd seen several from earlier newspaper reports and the author was very good at describing the stunning finds that had been locked away for 70 years.

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