Monday, February 8, 2016

His Forever Family by Sarah M Anderson- 4 *

Title: His Forever Family
Series: Billionaires & Babies

Author: Sarah M Anderson

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Rating: * * * *
Publishers: Harlequin
(Feb 9, 2016)
Paperback: 256  pages
ISBN: 978-0373734382
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

Found: one baby…and the boss's future bride? 

Tiny and helpless—the abandoned newborn that venture capitalist Marcus Warren finds during a morning run takes him by surprise. So does the sudden longing for his capable assistant, Liberty Reese, who reveals her tender side with the baby. 

But Liberty must resist her gorgeous boss's advances. Her secrets could destroy his trust, her career and the chance to care for the foster child they are both coming to love. Even so, she can't deny the heat between them—or the fear that her past will end their chance to create a forever family.

I enjoyed this romance. While the romance didn't blow me away, the story in it's entirety was quite enjoyable. I think I've gotten a bit tired of the billionaire/prince storylines,  though the precious baby angle will always drag me in. While the vicious antics of the privileged  rich never fail to amaze me, the love that the two main characters develop for this tiny soul is so wonderful. This is not your usual romance and Anderson's story has a complexity and gravity not usually found in a simple romance. Have no doubt, this is not a simple romance and it had me reading it from cover to cover in just a few hours. 

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