Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Don't Kill Dinner by Jennifer Martinez- * * 1/2

Title: Don't Kill Dinner
Series: The Rules Trilogy
Author: Jennifer Martinez
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * 1/2
Publishers: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
(Mar 6, 2013)
Paperback: 152  pages
ISBN: 978-1482664393
FTC Disclosure: Purchase from Amazon

There are three rules when it comes to being a vampire in New Orleans. 
1) Don’t kill dinner. 
2) Don’t feed from people you know. 
3) Don’t tell anyone. 
Not too hard, right? Wrong. Kenna is a new vampire filled with a passion that has turned into an uncontrollable lust for blood.

Will Arthur be able to stop her feeding spree before the coven comes after her or is Kenna beyond saving?

Arthur has been watching Kenna for years, wanting her to try her own hand in life before he gave her the ultimate proposal. Now that she has accepted, will his love be enough to save her?

First let me say, I really, really, really wanted to love this book and despite the less than lukewarm reviews I read when it first came out, I still read it when I got the chance. I mean, look at that fabulous cover! That alone had me drooling. Throw in the awesome title and hey, it's gotta be good- right? 
I mean even after originally giving it only two stars, I went back and changed it to 2 1/2 stars cause it did have potential. I loved it in the very beginning, although I thought Kenna's reason for wanting to be changed to a vampire was not real compelling. I loved the setting though. New Orleans has got to be my fav place for vampires and all other paranormals. And I loved the concept that allowed the vamps to walk in daylight, very unique. But nearly every other aspect of the story failed. Dismally! 
It felt really rushed to me. I mean seriously, it was only 152 pages, surely the writer could have expanded more on the world and the  rules (yeah, yeah, I know only 3 rules- see the book's description) but 
I did not buy for one instant the inability of Arthur to not recognize what was going on with Kenna. Ding, ding, ding--soul mates here!
What happened to his and all the other "older" vampire's ability to read minds and know what she was hiding. Never bought that at all. Nope, that was it for me.  At that point I was seriously glad the book was soooo short as I just wanted it to end.  It just saddens me to see such potential fall flat.
I'm not saying I definitely won't read the other books in the trilogy (I probably won't though) but I certainly won't rush out to get them.

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