Friday, July 31, 2015

Author Candace Havens Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest at BittenBBooks

“Some consequences bite…big time.
Bennett Langdon has a firm no-relationships policy. Still, it doesn’t stop her from hooking up with a super-sexy bad boy at her best friend’s wedding. After all, it’s only one night-what harm could it do? Ten weeks later, a pregnant Bennett has her answer…
Linc Monahan can’t believe it. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He’s a werewolf, and shouldn’t be able to father a child with a human. Now Linc has to find some way to tell Bennett that not only do werewolves exist, but she’s about to have a baby with one.
But when word of their surprise conception gets out, the fur hits the fan. There are people who don’t want this baby to be born-even if it means killing. Now Bennett and Linc aren’t just fighting each other…they’re fighting for their lives.”
Buy a Kindle copy of Baby’s Got Bite from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY .99 cents!
Books in the Take It Like a Vamp series in the order they should be read:
Take it Like a Vamp
Baby’s Got Bite 
CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.
Prize: $50.00 Amazon Gift Card

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