Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Author Carol Pavliska Character Interview and Amazon Gift Card Contest at BittenByBooks

“Never fall for a rockstar…
Julian Wheaton views the world through a kaleidoscope of synesthesia, seeing the colors of every sound he hears. His life as an iconic rock guitarist was a stressful psychedelic trip that nearly destroyed him. Now he’s abandoned the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle for the peaceful sanctity of his recording studio, but when fiery Cleo Compton comes to work for him, she brings chaos with her.
Cleo Compton has had her flings with rockstars – and it’s left her wary and bruised. Julian may have those sexy bedroom eyes and drool-worthy tattoos, but Cleo is determined to keep things strictly professional – until Julian turns out to be every dream she’s ever chased. When he risks it all to hit the road with a band again, Cleo fears he’ll return as the one thing she can no longer abide – a rockstar.”
Buy a print copy of Color Me Crazy from Amazon by clicking here.

Buy a Kindle copy of Color Me Crazy from Amazon by clicking here.

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.

Prize: $25.00 Amazon Gift Cards


  1. What is your favorite location for a book ? (city or type of city?)

  2. What was the best concert you've ever gone to?

  3. How do choose the names for your characters? Are they inspired by anyone?


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