Saturday, May 30, 2015

Month9Books--Blog Tour & Dream Cast for : Vessel by Lisa T. Cresswell

Vessel by Lisa T. Cresswell

Publication Date: May 26, 2015

Publisher: Month9Books

add to goodreadsThe sun exploded on April 18, 2112. It exploded in a Class X solar storm the likes of which humankind had never seen. 
They had nineteen minutes. 

Nineteen minutes until the geomagnetic wave washed over the Earth, frying every electrical device created by humans, blacking out entire continents, every satellite in their sky. 
Nineteen minutes to say goodbye to the world they knew, forever, and to prepare for a new Earth, a new Sun.
Generations after solar storms have destroyed nearly all human technology on Earth and humans have reverted to a middle ages like existence, all knowledge of the remaining technology is kept hidden by a privileged few called the Reticents and books are burned as heresy. 
Alana, a disfigured slave girl, and Recks, a traveling minstrel and sometimes-thief, join forces to bring knowledge and books back to the human race. But when Alana is chosen against her will to be the Vessel, the living repository for all human knowledge, she must find the strength to be what the world needs.

Lisa, like most writers, began scribbling silly notes, stories, and poems at a very young age. Born in North Carolina, the South proved fertile ground to her imagination with its beautiful white sand beaches and red earth. In fifth grade, she wrote, directed and starred in a play "The Queen of the Nile" at school, despite the fact that she is decidedly un-Egyptian looking. Perhaps that's why she went on to become a real life archaeologist?
Unexpectedly transplanted to Idaho as a teenager, Lisa learned to love the desert and the wide open skies out West. This is where her interest in cultures, both ancient and living, really took root, and she became a Great Basin archaeologist. However, the itch to write never did leave for long. Her first books became the middle grade fantasy trilogy, The Storyteller Series. Her first traditionally published work, Hush Puppy, is now available from Featherweight Press.
Lisa still lives in Idaho with her family and a menagerie of furry critters that includes way too many llamas!

Dream Cast for Vessel
 if it was to be a movie 
by Lisa Cresswell

I guess I’m kind of unusual, but I don’t really imagine actor’s faces when I write my characters. They come from my imagination, so they don’t always look like anyone I’ve ever seen. 

Alana is about seventeen, of unknown Asian descent, with half her face severely burned. Here in America, we just don’t have that many Asian teen actresses that I’m familiar with. The actresses that do come to mind are too mature for the role. 

I asked my KPop loving daughter to help me out. She recommends BoA Kwan for Alana. She’s a South Korean singer and very lovely. 

Recks is also an Asian teen. He’s attractive and entertaining. South

Korean singer/actor Taecyeon really fits the part.  

Kinder is kind of a crazy old European man with long, wild hair. I’m sure a longer, grayer- haired Daniel Day Lewis could handle it and do a fabulous job. He always does. 

Anders, the villain, I always

imagined as very British and rather terrifying. Someone like Bill Nighy 

You should visit my Vessel Pinterest page if you’d like to see my inspiration pics. Enjoy~  

1 comment:

  1. From one Lisa to another, thanks so much for having me on your blog! I'm so excited to share Vessel with everyone :)


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