Monday, April 20, 2015

Review- Cursed by Fire by Jacquelyn Frank 4*

Title: Cursed by Ice
Series: The Immortal Brothers
Author: Jacquelyn Frank
Genre: Paranormal romance
Rating: * * * *
Publishers: Ballantine Books
(Mar 31, 2015)
Paperback: 352 pages
ISBN: 978-0553393415
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

As punishment for plotting with his brothers to steal immortality, Garreth is suffering a freezing torment until the end of time. Again and again, his fierce fighter’s physique is frozen into a chiseled ice sculpture, his heart hardening like a diamond in his chest—only to thaw and resume the chilling torture. Until, like his older brother Dethan, he is offered a reprieve from a goddess—in exchange for his allegiance in a celestial civil war.
Garreth lives to fight and fights to live. But while laying siege to an embattled city, he finds another reason to go on—a beautiful warrior woman named Sarielle, who commands a mythic beast through a mysterious and powerful bond. Terrified of her strength, the city rulers have kept her captive, and now she refuses to submit to a new master. As Garreth seeks to unleash her passion and melt the icy resistance of her heart, will he become her ultimate salvation—or lead them both to greater destruction?

This is the second book in this series and again I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Frank is an expert at character and world development. I've really enjoyed the different nationalities of people and creatures in this series.
I especially loved the amazing love story of Garreth and Sarielle and can't wait for the next release in this series.

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