Monday, April 6, 2015

#MPRTour-Moon Pack Rules (The Complete Novel) by Michele Bardsley-Review 4 *

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Tour Dates: April 6-10
Publication Date: March 31, 2015
Genre: Paranormal Romance

Stephanie Draper is on the run from an abusive husband--a terrifying breed of shifter. She seeks sanctuary in Tulsa, Oklahoma at her childhood home. Her stepfather is a respected Moon Pack werewolf, and even though she's human, she's considered a pack member, too.

Nolan Wright is also a Moon Pack werewolf and a cop with the Tulsa PD. He can sniff out a damsel in distress from five miles away ... and it doesn't take him long to find the beautiful and haunted Stephanie.

Beauty wants the Beast. Stephanie has built solid walls around her heart--for a good damned reason. But Nolan's kind and funny demeanor is creeping through the cracks of those walls, and soon, she finds herself falling for the handsome shifter. It feels like Stephanie may finally be able to piece together her shattered life ... until her monstrous husband returns for his final revenge...

M Bardsley has done for shifters what she did for vamps in her Broken Heart, Ok series, given us a series that has me clamoring for more. My main dislike was that it wasn't longer. Had I not had the entire "series" to read at one sit down I doubt I'd have started it as I don't do novellas except as a bridge between books. I'm not a fan of the ïnsta love and would have liked a bit more meat to the story.  That said, if you need a quick and fun read while on a car trip, this is just the book for you.
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Michele Bardsley writes howling good paranormal romances. When she's not writing, Michele consumes chocolate, crochet hats, watches "Supernatural," reads on her Kindle, and spend times with her awesome hubby and their fur babies. 

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Giveaway: $10 Amazon/Barnes & Noble Gift Card or Book Depository Spree; One (1) $20 Amazon Gift Card
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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