Thursday, April 9, 2015

Guest Post--Praefatio by Georgia McBride presented by Month9Books

Praefatio (Praefatio #1)
by Georgia McBride
Publication Date: May 21, 2013
Publisher: Month9Books

Seventeen-year-old Grace Ann Miller is no ordinary runaway…

After having been missing for weeks, Grace is found on the estate of international rock star Gavin Vault, half-dressed and yelling for help. Over the course of twenty-four hours Grace holds an entire police force captive with incredulous tales of angels, demons, and war; intent on saving Gavin from lockup and her family from worry over her safety.

Authorities believe that Grace is ill, suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, the victim of assault and a severely fractured mind. Undeterred, Grace reveals the secret existence of dark angels on earth, an ancient prophecy and a wretched curse steeped in Biblical myth. Grace’s claims set into motion an ages-old war, resulting in blood, death and the loss of everything that matters. But are these the delusions of an immensely sick girl, or could Grace’s story actually be true?

Praefatio is Grace’s account of weeks on the run, falling in love and losing everything but her faith. When it’s sister against brother, light versus darkness, corrupt police officers, eager doctors and accusing journalists, against one girl with nothing but her word as proof: who do you believe?

Here is Georgia McBride giving us a look
 at  the different locations in PRAEATIO
The Millers live in a craftsman style home in suburban Missouri. You wouldn’t know by looking at it that something other than the normal teenage angst was happening there. Inside, there are subtle hints about the backstory as evidenced through the color scheme, choice of art and furnishings. 

We don’t actually get to visit until the sequel. But we learn a bit about weather systems and what really causes them as well what the different altitude heights mean to angels.

It was hard to represent hell as anything other than what is typically represented. But in PRAEFATIO, hell is actually a nice place. It’s hot and humid, but relatively nice. At least on the surface. 

We don’t get a lot of info on the facility beyond what takes place in the room where Grace is kept. We get a view out the window onto the street below and what we see is rather telling. 

Police Station
This is a central and vital location in PRAEFATIO. Both Grace’s and Gavin’s lives change based on what happens here. I spend a lot of time focusing on the sights, sounds, smells and materials here. The various encounters with police, psychiatrists, and various other well-meaning adults all make life in the “witness room” very interesting for Grace Ann Miller. 

The barn scene represents a critical turning point for Grace and Remi and the novel itself. It is both terrifying and awesome. It was one of my favorite scenes to write.

This is my version of an epic fight scene, which you would not think would take place in a church. But, as demons and angels fight it out, what better place than this tiny church which happens to be located in in a place with great Biblical significance. 

The Garden
I don’t specifically call it the Garden of Eden, and readers will have to decide for themselves what they think of this place. Of all the locations in the book, this is the place I enjoyed spending time in the most. I cried when writing a scene there. See if you can figure out which one. There is also some creepiness happening there. 

Gavin’s House
What can I say? Gavin is a 19yo rock star with a hot older albeit creepy older brother and let’s just say, they like to party. 

I hope you enjoy getting to know PRAEFATIO, its locales and characters as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Georgia loves a good story. Whether it’s writing her own, or publishing someone else’s, story is at the heart of everything Georgia does. Founder of Month9Books, YALITCHAT.ORG and the weekly #yalitchat on Twitter, Georgia spends most of her days writing, editing, or talking about books. That is, of course, when she is not blasting really loud music or reading. She lives in North Carolina with four dogs, a frog, a parrot, 2 kids, parents and a husband. PRAEFATIO is her first novel.

Author Links:  Website | Twitter | Facebook 

Giveaway Information:  Winner will be drawn April 27, 2015
·        Five (5) winners will receive a digital copy of Praefatio by Georgia McBride (INT)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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