Monday, April 13, 2015

Blog Tour: The New Aeneid Cycle (Volumes 1 & 2) by Michael G. Munz #AeneidTour

The New Aeneid Cycle 

(Volumes 1 & 2)
by Michael G. Munz

Tour Dates: April 13-17
Publication Date: December 16, 2014
Series: The Aeneid Cycle
Genre: Science Fiction, Cyberpunk
Maturity Warning: Violence, Language (PG-13)

Northgate is in turmoil. Decaying, violent, and corrupt, it is a common enough city in 2051, yet soon, discoveries beneath the Moon’s surface will mark the city with their first distant echoes.

New arrival Michael Flynn is jobless and down to his last few dollars, but he still dreams of making a positive difference of his own. He has no family, no friends—save for the freelancer known only as Diomedes—and tonight the apartment they share will burn to the ground.

When Diomedes becomes his mentor in a search for the arsonist responsible, Michael will get the chance to realize his dreams. Joining them is Felix, a wise-cracking “information bounty hunter” who claims that neither the arsonist nor the man Michael idolizes are quite what they appear.

Will Michael find the courage to pass through the flames unscathed, or will the violence that surrounds him incinerate all that he is? Those who search the Moon will be watching...

Publication Date: March 17, 2015

Maturity Warning: Violence, Language (PG-13)

Save humanity from itself. It is the goal of the worldwide conspiracy known as the Agents of Aeneas. For months they have struggled to unlock the secrets of an alien spacecraft buried on the Moon. Now word of that craft has leaked, and multiple groups plot to seize it for themselves.

One man has plumbed its depths and returned alive. While Agent Michael Flynn protects him from those who believe that he knows too much, together they must find a demon from Michael’s past: the freelancer Diomedes. Michael’s violent ex-mentor, Diomedes murdered a man at the heart of the spacecraft’s discovery. They must learn why.

Meanwhile the vigilante Gideon, slain by Diomedes six months ago, has been seen alive in the city of Northgate. His baffling return will draw two women into dangers far beyond those that lurk in the city.

Memories that haunt them all will entangle their fates as one in the blackness.

An award-winning writer of speculative fiction, Michael G. Munz was born in Pennsylvania but moved to Washington State at the age of three. Unable to escape the state's gravity, he has spent most of his life there and studied writing at the University of Washington.

Michael developed his creative bug in college, writing and filming four amateur films before setting his sights on becoming a novelist. Driving this goal is the desire to tell entertaining stories that give to others the same pleasure as other writers have given to him. Among his sci-fi influences are the writings of Dan Simmons, Frank Herbert, and Douglas Adams.

Michael dwells in Seattle where he continues his quest to write the most entertaining novel known to humankind and find a really fantastic clam linguini.

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 (Character Interview)  Character interviewed: Michael Flynn

What your dream, ideal job?
 I want to be a real freelancer. They're as close as you can get to modern knights, after all. They help to protect people who need it, they're strong enough to protect themselves, they command respect... It just sounds like a noble way to live my life. And, yeah, I guess it's pretty glamorous if you do it right, but it's being in a position to make a difference that's the most important thing for me. 
What is preventing you from getting it (assuming you don't have it)?
 Geez, some days it feels like what ISN'T preventing me? There are so many other people out there trying to do the same thing, and I don't have any real experience yet, so it's just hard to find a job at all. I spent most of my savings on a training program, but I couldn't afford any of the really fancy ones, so I don't really have much to distinguish myself. And no one wants to hire a guy who doesn't know what he's doing. I mean, I know what I'm doing—sure, I've got some things to learn, but who doesn't? It's just a lot harder than I thought it would be when I moved to this city. 
What is your special talent? 
I'm a fast learner, and I'd like to think I'm pretty sharp in general. Also I can run just about any piece of farming equipment you can name, but that's not really a help to me here in the city. I'm also a pretty good shot, I guess. At least on the firing range. 
What do you consider your best feature ( looks wise)?
 Not sure I've ever really thought about that. I guess my chest? Or my arms? I did a lot of manual labor helping my uncle when I was growing up.  Give us some back-story on Felix. Felix? I've only just met him, really. He did come by the apartment once to bring some information to Diomedes—that's my roommate, and not his real name, of course, but calling him by the real one is a good way to piss him off quick. But I didn't really talk to Felix then. I remember he joked a lot, though. He seemed to like to do it more if he noticed it got on Diomedes's nerves. I don't really know much about Felix beyond that yet. He's always making references to things I don't get, though. And his memory seems unusually sharp, for some reason. 
What do you do for fun? 
I love a good football game (watching or playing). I try to catch the Ultimate matches when I can, though I wish the Northgate Hammerheads hadn't moved to Denver. I like to read, mostly mysteries. Oh, and I like to go jogging when I can get over to the park, but my transit pass is nearly used up so I haven't been able to do that in a while. I miss the park. 
Any special person in your life?  
At the moment it feels like I've lost everyone special that I've had in my life. All I've got now is Diomedes, but I'm pretty lucky to have him. He's giving me a place to stay—I mean, until our apartment building exploded. I'm not sure where we're sleeping tonight. And he's an experienced freelancer, so he's also started to mentor me. I knew him a long time ago when I was a kid, before he left for the city. If I hadn't managed to find him again... I guess I don't much like to think about that. 
If not, describe your ideal mate. 
Um, well, you know. What most guys want, I figure: Athletic, smart, independent. I've always been partial to redheads, but dark or purple hair is nice, too. Er, that's not to say I'd be picky either way about that. But dating isn't really on my mind right now. 
What is your greatest fear? 
That one day I'll screw up so badly that I won't be able to fix it. Or that I already have and I don't know it yet. 
What is your favorite meal? 
Fried chicken, corn on the cob, and baked potatoes. Geez, I haven't gotten to eat that in ages. 
What is your motto? 
I've never really thought about that, to be honest. I should probably have one though, since you mention it. Um..."Protect and serve?" I think that used to be what they put on police badges.  

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