Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blog Tour & Excerpt- COLLIDE by Ashley Harris

Title: Collide
Author: Ashley C. Harris
Series: Shock Me #3
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Release Date: April 14, 2015
Publisher: Self-Published
ISBN: 9781310418075
Cover Designer: Amber G. Harris

The rules are about to change...
Something has come to Donna’s town, lurking outside her school, and watching all of her friends. A person who can steal Donna, and the other students, 'shocking gifts', and use them for himself.
Will everyone, both friends and foes, crumble together as nothing but mere humans? Or will finally the truth come… and save them for a deadly price.
Donna has managed to live hidden amongst the enemy, keeping her shocking abilities secret with the help of her friends. But now something has come into her town, it’s been lurking outside of her school, and has its eye on hurting everyone, both the good and the bad, and the first one who will be its target is Donna.
Ryan still has no idea who or what Donna really is. His ex-best friend and first crush has transformed into the girl who has been secretly working against him. He believes keeping their lives apart will keep her the most safe, but trouble is about to make every one of their biggest fears, stolen memories, and hidden desires collide.
Will everyone, both friends and foes, crumble together as nothing but mere humans? Or will finally the truth come and save them with a deadly price as new alliances are made and buried feelings are brought to the surface.
Get your copy at Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Smashwords
Young Adult author Ashley C. Harris takes readers back into her world of magic, mystery, and thrilling adventure in COLLIDE, the third book in the Shock Me series.

"Shock Me by Ashley Harris is a story with new, fresh premise and I believe that fans of paranormal young adult novels will be thrilled to read it. I was completely hooked after reading prologue. Ashley Harris managed to masterfully confuse you and leave you wanting more."—Ja Ĩitam, a ti?on SHOCK ME

"Memorable characters and plot momentum will keep the reader fully engaged right up to the pulse-pounding, dramatic conclusion with a stunning ending that I didn’t see coming! Shock Me is a gripping beginning to a new series. I, for one, look forward to the future adventures of these characters." —Lusty Penguin on SHOCK ME

5.0 out of 5 stars “Amazing and Strong Second Installment in this YA thrillerish super-human romantic suspense”—Sophia Rose on SPARKS
Excerpt 4: Ryan

Ryan’s adrenaline was pumping, his heart pounding, yet he’d never felt so disconnected, almost feeling alone as for the first time being this hyped up, he couldn’t sense the other animals in the trees or hear every one of the forest’s movements all at once, including the movement of Donna’s heartbeats.
Guessing the Original would have taken her right back to where he’d nearly killed them as children years ago had been a risk that had paid off. If it hadn’t … Ryan shook thinking about it as he frantically tried to move toward Donna who for a moment, overtaken by fear and most likely seeing abilities for the first time—not including the times she couldn’t remember—took a step back from him.
“Donna, it’s just me, it’s ok. I promise I’m ok,” he said as he put his gun away and put his hands up. Slowly but surely she moved a step forward and he approached her also slowly too. He never thought he’d be this close again to losing her as he took in her beauty in a new human way that almost made him feel insignificant. He noticed with his eyes instead of sensing with his senses that her body was shaking and that’s all the time he needed before he was moving in, grabbing her gently, and wrapping his arms around her as she stood still.
“Donna, Donna, I’m so sorry.”
She didn’t do what he thought she would, what she had done last time, which was frantically try to ask him what was happening, what he or the Original were before her memory had been messed with by Saul when they were children. Instead what came out of her mouth was, “How did you … How did you stop him?” Her heart was racing fast as he held her in his arms and could feel it and her warm body up against his chest, matching his own crazy pulse.

Follow all the stops on the tour for more chances to win!
4/13/2015 Those Crazy Book Chicks
4/13/2015 Coffee Books & Art
4/14/2015 Kindle and Me
4/15/2015 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!
4/16/2015 Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
4/17/2015 Tammy's Tea Time
4/20/2015 Splash Into Books
4/21/2015 Kitty's Book Spot!
4/22/2015 My Reading Reality
4/23/2015 Lisa's Loves (Books of Course)
4/23/2015 Romance Junkies
4/24/2015 Talking Books Blog

Author and film director Ashley C. Harris resides in Florida. Ashley was first recognized for her edgy writing and unique film work when she wrote and directed the teenage film Lines. Lines was the first feature film in the world captured using only Mac Laptops..

In 2013 Ashley teamed up with Barclay Publicity to release the first title in a new young adult series Shock Me. Ashley then went on to release the first of a new NA series, One Night In Heated Snapshots, that quickly reached Amazon's Best Selling top ten list for sports romances. It has remained a top ten bestseller ever since.

When she is not dreaming up new books and working on film sets, she loves to spend time with her friends and family. Keep a close watch for Ashley's newest young adult books releases!

Connect with Ashley at Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | IMBd | Blog
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