Friday, April 24, 2015

Author Aviva Bel’Harold Interview and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

“Grief changes people. Brittany used to be a normal teen. She ate like one. She slept like one. And she even had typical mood swings. But finding her best friend dead changed everything. Grief could explain her loss of apetite and her lack of sleep. It might explain why she sees her dead friend everywhere she goes. But it doesn’t explain why everyone she touches develops bruises or why she’s attracted to the smell of blood. And what’s with the urges to eat her new boyfriend? — Blood Matters is a vampire novel with a new spin and a unexpected twist. As much as this book centers on struggles, inside and out, it’s also filled with compassion and true-to-life characters.”
Buy a print copy of Blood Matters from Amazon by clicking here.
Buy a Kindle copy of Blood Matters from Amazon by clicking here.

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.
Prize : A $50.00 Amazon Gift Card provided by EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing

1 comment:

  1. What is your dream location for a book? Have you written one there, or have you visited there?


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