Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Title: The Shop of Shades and Secrets
Author: Colleen Gleason
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * *
Publishers: Colleen Gleason, Inc
(May 3, 2011)
Paperback: 254 pages
ISBN: 978-0615485881
FTC Disclosure: Book that I bought

When Fiona Murphy inherits a small antiques shop from an old man she met only once, she's filled with surprise, confusion and delight and a little bit of terror at having a new responsibility in a life she prefers to be free and easy. As she takes over ownership of the quaint shop, odd things begin to happen. Lights come on and off by themselves, even when they are unplugged and there is a chilly breeze accompanied by the scent of roses even when the windows are closed. H. Gideon Nath, III, is the stiff and oh-so-proper attorney who helps settle Fiona's inheritance, and despite her flightiness and fascination with all things New Age, he finds himself attracted to her against his better judgment. After she finds an unpleasant surprise in one of the shop's closets, scares off an intruder in the store, and uses her skill at palmistry to read Gideon's future--of which she seems to be a part--Fiona begins to realize that her free and easy life is about to change whether she wants it to or not.

First of all let me say, I loved Gleason's Gardella Vampire series. This book, not so much. It wasn't bad, I read it pretty much in one sitting. But it was just okay. I knew who the "bad guy" was pretty much from the start although I kept telling myself that it was so obvious that there would end up being a surprise twist at the end. Nope, no surprise. I did like the feisty Fiona and Gideon wasn't too bad either but the story just didn't  do much for me. While I wouldn't rush out and buy a copy, if you like what was more of a Gothic romance, check it out at the library. If you want to read some really awesome Gleason books check out her Gardella Vampire series. I so loved them and their Victorian setting. I did read that these had been updated for new release but I thought they were pretty durn perfect in their original form.

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