Monday, March 23, 2015

Review- Darkness Haunts: (Sensor #1) by Susan Illene 4 1/2*

Title: Darkness Haunts
Series: Sensor #1
Author: Susan Illene
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publishers: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
(Feb 14, 2013)
Paperback: 386 pages
ISBN: 978-1481861182
FTC Disclosure: eBook provided by the author via The Book Machine

 Melena Sanders faced her fair share of danger with insurgents and terrorists when she served in the U.S. Army, but now she is about to go up against a new threat. Her best friend, Aniya, has disappeared while on a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska—a supernatural haven. Most humans have no idea darker races lurk amongst them. Mel knows better. If she wants to get her friend back, she’s going to have to go in alone—but not unarmed. Melena has a few special skills the Army didn’t provide, but the odds are still against her. She’s got to come up with a plan fast that doesn’t involve her, or her friend, dying. But danger likes to play it rough. A war for power is about to rise in Fairbanks and if she wants to get Aniya back, she’s going to have to step right into the middle of it.
I love urban fantasys that are populated by more than one creature of the night. I especially love that Mel can  sense them in a world that is as of yet unaware of them. She is a kickass ex-military and doesn't let her lack of powers keep her from saving a friend. I love a good twisty, turny story and especially love the fact that there are 5 plus books already out in this series so can I can jump right in and binge read. If you like suspense and adventure in your urban fantasy--this is the next series for you.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read much Urban Fantasy lately, should try to look more into them. This one sounds entertaining and I love the fact that there are more books in the series waiting to be read. Hope you enjoy them too!

    Melissa @ Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers


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