Saturday, March 14, 2015

HARD & FAST by Ana Gabriel Release Day Celebration Hosted by MMSAI Tours March 14th, 2015

Author: Ana Gabriel
Release Date: March 14th, 2015
Genre: New Adult

Rose Weatherston was top of her acting class in small-town Illinois, but in Hollywood, the only roles she’s being offered are spots on the casting couch.

Faced with the possibility of having to go back home with her tail between her legs, Rose takes a job as a personal assistant to bridge the gap until she can finally land a legitimate acting role.
 The advertisement calls for someone discreet, available 24/7, and willing to live-in. 
It sounds terrible, and more than a little ominous, but as Rose’s best friend points out, beggars can’t be choosers. 
Turns out that she’ll be working for Cole Dean, the international movie star whose face is on the cover of every tabloid. Cole Dean, the lady killer with the mysterious past, electric green eyes and devil’s smile. Cole Dean, who turns out to be wickedly charming and sexy as hell. 
Rose tries to deny the instant, intense, and very unwanted attraction. After all, she didn’t say no to the casting couch this many times just to end up sleeping with her boss. But when their mutual desire becomes too much to bear, Rose sets up some ground rules between them.
 She never wants to see Cole naked. Ever again. So he can stop working out shirtless and stripping when he knows she’s watching.
 She won’t be a personal lackey in his depraved sex life. Thank you very much. 
And absolutely, under no circumstances, will they have sex.
 But Cole Dean’s charm proves difficult to resist, and before long, Rose finds herself wanting to break every single one of her own rules.


Like the heroine in her debut novel, HARD & FAST, Ana Gabriel doesn’t follow the rules. When not raising her five children, Ana writes sexy romance novels that would likely get her fired from her day job. She splits her time between Canada and the UK. You can find Ana online at





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Must be 13 + To Enter. Open Internatioanlly. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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