Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cover Reveal & Giveaway -Scion by Kelly Oram

Russ Devereaux used to have it all—loving father, beautiful best friend, a carefree life in a town he loved, and strong magic. He was the king of his happy universe. Five months ago, that life was taken from him. Do not pass Go. Do not collect two hundred dollars. 

He’s spent months fighting back and building himself a new life, in a new city, with new friends he now considers family. But suddenly, his new life might be in jeopardy of getting shot straight to hell just like the last one. Literally, this time. 

He’s discovered power inside of him—an ancient, dark power that he shouldn’t have, can’t explain, can’t control, and definitely needs to keep secret. He needs answers, but before he can get them, he finds himself arrested and on his way to face the supernatural council. The same council that stole everything from him the first time. 

As Russ struggles to keep his new power under wraps, his old life and he new one are about to collide and it’s bound to be explosive. He may not have all the answers he needs, but one thing is certain: he’ll be damned if anyone is taking his new life from him. That is, if he’s not just plain damned.

Books in the SUPERNATURALS series:
Chameleon (Books 1)
Ungifted (Book 2)
Scion (Book 3) - April 14, 2015
Priestess (Book 4) - Coming 2016

Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen
--a fan fiction about her favorite music group, 
The Backstreet Boys, for which her family
 and friends still tease her. She's obsessed 
with reading, talks way too much, and likes 
to eat frosting by the spoonful. She lives
 outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband
 and four children.


Grand prize: Signed copies of all three books in the series
15 signed  Scion posters
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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