Monday, February 23, 2015

The Apollo Academy by Kimberly P. Chase- Review 4*

Title: The Apollo Academy Vol 1
Author: Kimberly P Chase
Genre: YA Sci-Fi 
Rating: * * * *
Publishers: Titon 
(Jul 24, 2014)
Paperback: 344 pages
ISBN: 978-0989479608 
FTC Disclosure: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley

As the heiress to Titon Technologies, eighteen-year-old Aurora Titon can have whatever she wants?clothes, expensive gadgets, anything money can buy. All she really wants is to escape her pampered, paparazzi-prone life for the stars. Becoming the first female pilot to train as an astronaut for the Apollo Academy is exactly the chance for which she has been waiting. Everything would be perfect if it weren't for her unreciprocated crush on a fellow student, the sexy astronaut bent on making her life hell, and the fact that someone keeps trying to kill her.

The opening of this book reminded me a bit of the first episode of Grey's Anatomy, last night out before starting classes, meeting a hot guy, and wham, he ends up being her instructor. Very awkward! I love sci-fi so reading this was a no brainer for me. 
Aurora, though a wealthy heiress, is a nerd and all she wants is to learn to fly the Apollo spaceship. The world building was fascinating, the characters interesting, and the pacing just right. I loved the action and the mystery involving who was trying to kill Aurora. 
The main thing I didn't like were the three alternating POVs. This is something I see increasingly in YA books and may ultimately be the reason I stop reading a lot of them.  It is also the reason that though I really enjoyed this book, I doubt I'll read the next one.

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