Sunday, February 1, 2015


Don't have a blurb or release date yet but if you want to check out book one in this series Amazon has it free here.

Jay's a cyborg who looks just like normal teenage girl. She's super-strong, super-smart, and she can even appear to grow and age like a human. When a covert organization intent on using Jay as a weapon comes after her, she needs to find a place where she can blend in. Greenfield High seems perfect... except that the boys all think she's totally hot and keep hitting on her, and she has no clue how to handle the attention. Who knew high school could be so perilous? 

To add to her confusion she's evolving - experiencing human emotions for the first time. And when she encounters ex-jock-turned-outcast Tyler, he sends her logical brain into a spin. She's just starting to get the hang of this girlfriend/boyfriend thing when her pursuers track her down. Now's sooo not the time for a cyborg to fall in love and get all emotional!  

**Young Adult paranormal, 68000 words; contains swearing, and themes more suited to older YA readers** 

~Optioned for TV by Cream Drama, Inc., Canada 
~Winner, YA category: Gulf Coast RWA's Silken Sands Self-Published Star contest 
~Winner, YA category: Maryland Romance Writers Reveal Your Inner Vixen contest 
~Best YA nominee: eFestival of Words Book Fair Best of the Independent eBook Awards 

True love isn't a cakewalk when your girlfriend's a cyborg! 

The timing couldn't be worse for Jay to take her relationship with Tyler to the next level--especially when her idea of "the next level" proves to be vastly different to Tyler's. Building a life together and adapting to each other's quirks is challenging enough without the secrets they're keeping blowing up in their faces. Their relationship is tearing Tyler's family apart. Worse, the ex-girlfriend from hell shows up on the doorstep, destitute and desperate for a place to stay until she sorts out the latest hot mess she's embroiled in. 

Jay's not thrilled about Tyler's ex turning up out of the blue, but it's better to keep your enemies close. Sure enough, the ex has an agenda. But discovering who is manipulating her behind the scenes isn't easy, even for a super-smart cyborg. Then a vulnerable member of Tyler's family is threatened, forcing Jay to confront a ghost from her past who'll stop at nothing to destroy her. And this time, the weapon he's chosen to take Jay out with really could be the death of her. 

**YA paranormal, 73500 words: contains swearing and themes more suited to older readers** 

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