Friday, January 16, 2015

Author Rhenna Morgan Release Party and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

Eden, #1
Paradise, love and power...and a prophecy with a price.
Most people believe Eden no longer exists. Lexi Merrill's about to learn they're wrong. A hard-working bartender with a self-sufficient backbone and a wary nature, she knows pickup lines like a second language. So, when Eryx Shantos barges into her world with too-smooth words and a body to back it up, she locks up her libido and vows to keep her distance.
Eryx has other ideas. As king of the Myren race, Eryx is duty-bound to enforce the laws preventing exposure of their existence to humans. Yet The Fates have led him through his dreams to Lexi, a temptation he doesn't want to resist. The question is, is she Myren, or human - which makes her forbidden fruit?
When Eryx's nemesis tags Lexi as his next target, Eryx insists on taking her home where he can keep her safe. Lexi had no idea "home" would mean the one-and-only land of creation...or that she'd trigger a prophecy that could doom her newfound race.
Read a 4 star review of Unexpected Eden by clicking here.
BUY a print copy of Unexpected Eden from AMAZON by clicking here.

Buy a KINDLE copy of Unexpected Eden from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY $3.82!

Books in the Eden series in the order they should be read:

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.

PRIZEA $50.00 Amazon GIFT Card 

1 comment:

This blog is now officially declared an Award Free zone! I do appreciate your kindness in thinking of me and I am humbled by your generosity. Your comments are award enough for me. Comment away!
Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.