Thursday, January 15, 2015

Author K.M. Hewitt Interview and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

“As the sole witness to a devastating accident at a secret Biological Weapons Lab, Alex McKay vanishes while on assignment in South America. Six years later… through luck and a twist of fate… she resurfaces in the U.S. with a new name, a new face and a new identity. Alex has a frightening story to tell and she knows it could send shockwaves throughout the nation and world… if she lives long enough to tell it.”

Buy a print copy of A Life Unbroken from AMAZON by clicking here.

Buy a KINDLE copy of A Life Unbroken from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY .99 Cents!

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.

PRIZEA $50.00 Amazon GIFT Card 

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