Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Author Juliette Cross Character Interview and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

“Genevieve Drake never needed a man to come to her rescue. Not until the night of her twentieth birthday, when some dude nearly chokes her to death in an alley behind a New Orleans Goth club. And a hot stranger splits the guy in half, rips a monster from inside, and incinerates it into ash.
The hunky rescuer? Jude Delacroix—Dominus Daemonum, Master of Demons, now her guardian, whether she likes it or not. But she’s seriously beginning to like it.
Her would-be murderer turns out to be only the first of many minions of the demon prince, Danté, who has all kinds of lascivious and sadistic plans. Which means when the formidably beautiful Jude offers his protection, Genevieve has no problem accepting it.
For Jude and his fellow demon hunters tell her she is a Vessel, one who is born to serve the Light, but can be corrupted into a weapon of darkness. And to survive, she must trust a man whose unearthly eyes promise heaven…but whose powers unleash hell.”
Buy a print copy of Forged in Fire from Amazon by clicking here.

Buy a Kindle copy of Forged in Fire from Amazon by clicking here.

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.

Prize: A $50.00 Amazon Gift Card 

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