Thursday, January 8, 2015

Author Alma Alexander Interview and $30.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

"You will never read another shapeshifter book like this. Every surprise will catch you unwary. And, like me, you will find that others will have to pry it out of your fingers." -Tamora Pierce, bestselling author "Alma Alexander has created a gripping and complicated story of family loyalty and teenage rebellion. [..] An excellent start to a brave new series." -Ysabeau Wilce, award-winning author of the Flora Segunda series RANDOM 
My name is Jazz Marsh. I am a Random Were, which means I am a Were of no fixed form - like all Random Were, my family can become any warm-blooded creature which is the last thing they see before they Turn. For me, when my time came, that meant... trouble. I was quite young when I lost my older sister, Celia, and my family never spoke about her. It was only when I found the secret diaries that she had left behind that I began to discover the truth behind her life and her death. I never understood what drove my moody and dangerous older brother until I began to get an inkling about his part in Celia's death... and until, driven to the edge of patience and understanding, he finally had to face his own Turn problems... and disastrously took matters into his own hands. One thing is clear. Everything I thought I knew about Were-kind was wrong. THIS IS BOOK ONE IN THE WERECHRONICLES SERIES
Buy a print copy of Random from Amazon by clicking here.

Buy a Kindle copy of Random from Amazon by clicking here. – ONLY $2.99!

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide.

Prize: A $30.00 Amazon Gift Card 

1 comment:

This blog is now officially declared an Award Free zone! I do appreciate your kindness in thinking of me and I am humbled by your generosity. Your comments are award enough for me. Comment away!
Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.