Saturday, November 8, 2014

Author Ryan Hill Interview and Amazon Gift Card Contest

Before the world fell into chaos, zombies existed only in the imagination. Now, there're more dead walking the earth than living. Zombies move about freely, while humans are forced behind concrete barricades to stay alive. A man known only as the Reverend has become a threat to the rebuilding United States. The leader of a powerful cult, the Reverend somehow controls the zombies, bending them to his will. He believes zombies are God's latest creation, making humanity obsolete, and he wants to give every man, woman, and child the chance to become one. With the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, his army composed of both humans and zombies, he may well get his wish. Best friends Holt and Ambrose went up against the Reverend once. Holt lost a foot and a zombie bit Ambrose... though he didn't completely turn. He survived the virus, only to become a human-zombie hybrid, reviled by the living and unwelcome among the dead. When the Reverend kidnaps the woman Holt loves, the race is on to save her from a fate worse than death. Holt and Ambrose must sacrifice everything to take down the Reverend and survive in this dead new world. But will they lose their souls in the process?
Read a 4 star review of Dead New World by clicking here.
Buy a print copy of Dead New World from Amazon by clicking here.

Buy a Kindle copy of Dead New World from Amazon by clicking here.

Books in the Dead New World series in the order they should be read:

Dark New World
The New World

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide. 

Prize: A $25.00 Amazon Gift Card 


  1. Interesting zombie twist. How did you come up with the human zombie hybrid? Pretty cool concept.

  2. Wow... there are so many things to do for this contest :)

    Ummm... for the author... what do you have to have/do while writing?

    1) Daryl from Walking Dead
    2) I hate Halloween movies... too scary!
    3) I've never actually been scared by a book... but I do like Dean Koontz for the weird and surreal :)


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