Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Dead Over Heels by Alison Kemper-Review

Title: Dead Over Heels
Author: Alison Kemper
Genre:  Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * * *
Publishers: Create Space 
(Sept 26, 2014)
Paperback: 264 pages
ISBN: 978-1502389022
FTC Disclosure: *I received a free eBook of this novel from Entangled Teen in exchange for a fair review.* and purchased an E-book from Amazon

The end of the world just might be their perfect beginning… Glenview, North Carolina. Also known—at least to sixteen-year-old Ava Pegg—as the Land of Incredibly Boring Vacations. What exactly were her parents thinking when they bought a summer home here? Then the cute-but-really-annoying boy next door shows up at her place in a panic…hollering something about flesh-eating zombies attacking the town. At first, Ava’s certain that Cole spent a little too much time with his head in the moonshine barrel. But when someone—or something—rotted and terrifying emerges from behind the woodpile, Ava realizes this is no hooch hallucination. The undead are walking in Glenview, and they are hungry. Panicked, Ava and Cole flee into the national forest. No supplies, no weapons. Just two teenagers who don’t even like each other fighting for their lives. But that’s the funny thing about the Zombpocalypse. You never know when you’ll meet your undead end. Or when you’ll fall dead over heels for a boy…

I'm always a sucker for a good zombie book and when I saw the local for this book, I just had to read it. As a foothills North Carolinian myself, I just had to see how the zombie apocalypse progressed. I've always told my kids when it hit that we would have a better survival rate than their big cities of Raleigh and Winston-Salem would. With being more sparsely populated, familiar with guns, bows and chainsaws, and having a large food distributor in our area, we just logically stand a better chance. But back to this wonderful book- it
is told both from Cole and Ava's POV, which ordinarily I don't like, but it so worked with this book. I loved the bantering in the first part of the book where the sickly city girl had to make do with the local redneck who was bound and determined to save her life. This was a fun, fast paced easy read that I pretty much read from start to finish in one night. After reading this, I'm off to read Kemper's Donna of the Dead which I understand takes place during the same zombie apocalypse.

1 comment:

  1. You can never go wrong with a good zombie read, and that doubly true this time of year. And, I 100% agree that us country folk are better equipped to survive an apocalypse. Yay for small town living!


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