Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Review- Trapped by Beverly Long- 4*

Title: Trapped
Series: Crow Hollow #3
Author: Beverly Long
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Rating: * * * *
Publishers: Harlequin 
(Sept 16, 2014)
Paperback: 224 pages
ISBN: 978-0373697939
FTC Disclosure: ARC from Net Galley

It's their second chance at love, but may be their only chance for survival in the conclusion of Beverly Long's The Men from Crow Hollow miniseries

Elle Vollman hadn't expected to live when the plane went down. She never thought she'd see her daughter again or give testimony against one of the world's worst human traffickers. But she learned never to say never because she never thought she'd see her ex-fiancé, Dr. Brody Donovan, again either. Now here he was, amongst the survivors, applying medical care to those in need. Lost in the Amazon and being hunted by more than just wildlife, it will take their combined strength to find help and rescue the others. The fierce jungle has doomed many, and trusting one another is the only way either of them will find their way back...maybe even to each other....

Crow Hollow
Hunted (2014)
Stalked (2014)
Trapped (2014)

I’ve not read anything else by this author but would not hesitate to pick up the rest of the books in this series. I’m always a sucker for a second chance romance. I love the backstory that is fed to us in bits and pieces and the fact that the two main characters lived life and matured only to come full circle and question honestly why they didn’t make a go of it the first time. As a twice married person myself, I so recognize the difference and intensity of first love as compared to a more mature love. I’m not saying that one is better than the other but you don’t tend to take things for granted the second time around and you know that trust and compromise make for much smoother and romantic sailing.
I loved the suspense and South American jungle flavor of the setting. One of my top reasons for loving Harlequins was always the chance to travel to different locals and experience different cultures from the comfort of my couch. Trapped delivered this in spades. This story was fast paced and suspenseful, with just the right amount of romantic tension to make it a very enjoyable read. I read it in one sitting, late one night and then started another romance as I was too wound up to sleep. And everyone knows sleep is highly overrated when compared to a good book.

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