Monday, September 1, 2014

Reading Habits Change

I've haven't read as many Harlequins recently as I once did. Harlequins were always a quick easy read and existed as a way for a mini vacation from a very stressful 60 hour a week IT job for me. I kept one at my desk to read at lunch and one in my purse (plus a spare in the car just in case)  to read while waiting on kids at ball, music, dance, whatever the hell class that was going on at the time. With three kids, I was constantly taking and picking up kids for one activity or another. I also read every night at least an  hour just to unwind so I could sleep. During these years, I existed on 5 to 6 hours of sleep at night and 1 to 2 hours of meditation (reading). I probably read 3 or 4 books most weeks. I pretty much read them, enjoyed them and then quickly moved on to the next one, never really invested in either the author or series.

Now that I’ve retired and have more free time, my reading patterns have greatly changed. I tend to invest a lot more time in series that have spanned over decades (and may take me months to read) and rather than picking up a quick two or three hour read opt for the humongous books that may be 500+ pages. But the other night once finishing a stand alone at around 11PM, I found myself looking for a quick read as I wasn’t nearly sleepy enough to go to bed. I had requested several Harlequins from Net Galley as several of their covers and blurbs reignited that thrill I’d get when I bought my monthly stash of romance books years ago. So for that reason you will probably see many more Harlequin romance reviews here.

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