Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Review 0f Poison Promise by Jennifer Estep- 3 1/2*

Title: Poison Promise
Series: Elemental Assassin #11
Author: Jennifer Estep
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * 1/2
Publishers: Pocket Books 
(Jul 22, 2014)
Paperback: 416 pages
ISBN: 978-1476771502
FTC Disclosure: ARC from Net Galley followed by a purchase from Amazon

I specialize in making death wishes come true.
Pop quiz. Which do you think is deadlier: Burn, the nastiest drug ever to hit the mean streets of Ashland, or me, Gin Blanco, the assassin known as the Spider? Answer: Me—because I don’t kill you slowly.

Normally, drug dealers aren’t my department. But I’m turning up the heat on some relentless Burn-pushing thugs who won’t leave my friends alone. Pushers who have my cop sister beside herself with rage, so I’m stepping up to keep her from doing something stupid and getting herself killed. Once I’m in, I’m in, and these folks have picked their poison: the Spider’s venom. But even bad guys have their good days, and sometimes even my Ice and Stone magic isn’t enough. For behind the drug is a vicious vampire with a scientific eye for results. And behind him… trouble like I haven’t seen since I took down my legendary nemesis, Mab Monroe.

You would think that by now that I  would have lost some of the excitement I feel when I see that there is a new Elemental Assassin book out but not a bit. This series continues to pull me in and often keeps me reading way, way into the night. Even though murder is the word of the day, these books have an even flow that makes them an easy one day read. I do feel they are getting a bit repetitive in the action and hope that Estep mixes it up more as they are getting pretty predicable. I miss the twists that I had come to expect from this story and though we get a bit closer to solving the Mab Monroe mystery, it’s not near as exciting as it once was. The characters seemed a bit one dimensional this time around which was really disappointing. They just didn’t have the fire and depth that I have come to expect from Estep.

Elemental Assassin
1. Spider's Bite (2010)
2. Web of Lies (2010)
3. Venom (2010)
4. Tangled Threads (2011)
5. Spider's Revenge (2011)
5.5. Thread of Death (2012)
6. By a Thread (2012)
7. Widow's Web (2012)
8. Deadly Sting (2013)
8.5. Kiss of Venom (2013)
8.25. Parlor Tricks (2013)
9. Heart of Venom (2013)
10. The Spider (2013)
11. Poison Promise (2014)
12. Black Widow (2014)

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