Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Author Andrea Perno Interview and $50.00 Amazon Gift Card Contest

“Jeremy always said Space Academy was Earth’s last hope. People only dream of leaving a dying planet in search of better lives. Avery never expected he would be forced to do just that. On the heels of his brother’s murder, his father’s disappearance and Earth’s dwindling water supply now contaminated with a deadly virus, Avery and his younger brother have no choice but to leave Earth behind and join the survivors migrating the nearest habitable planet. What they don’t know is that the rarity of water extends far beyond Earth and they aren’t the only ones fighting for survival.”
Buy a print copy of The Last Drop from Amazon by clicking here.

Buy a Kindle copy of The Last Drop from Amazon by clicking here.

CONTEST INFO: Open to readers worldwide. 

Prize: A $50.00 Amazon Gift Card 

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